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Hello Pledge Hammers!

The poll for Fantasy Booking Warfare is now open! The $25+ Hammers have told us what they'd like - but it's up to you to make a decision.

Check them out, and vote!


Luke x


Jonathan V Hedman

There is a lot of gold that could happen with New Day winning the MIB. We know the WWE would do a pail version of what could be one of the best angles with a fully invested by the fans team. I have some ideas but not a full story flushed out.


Brock Lesnar losing the Universal Championship sounds the most interesting. Genuinely curious to see who you think would could win it realistically. Or you could book it idealistically and have who ever you think is deserving win it. Either way, it sounds fun.


I think seeing how you would book The New Day winning the money in the Bank would be interesting. It could even be done alongside the Bork Lazer one if one of you two are feeling risky :p

Rob Pontin

As things stand I'm in fantasy booking warfare looks like I'm going to be the bridesmaid again I'm coming for that title lol

Rob Pontin

For me I'm done with Brock and it's clear Brock will lose to Roman as everyone is going mad brawn comes out to cash in if brawn dosent win money in bank Brock will lose to brawn then the money in bank winner will cash in


Everytime 3MB Reunion gets a vote I lose more fate in humanity


No Drew McIntyre deserves Way better. Maybe a little skit where Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal ask him and he destroys both of them but that's it

Lorenzo Haynes

Really Brock losing the title shouldnt even be up there let alone leading.... here’s my pitch; Summer Slam Brock vs literally anyone and they pin Brock 1.2.3 the end

Matt Noble

Had enough of talking about Brocks booking, let’s not also fantasy book him please. Problem is there’s no obvious second opinion, weak group.

Phil Stopford

I went for All In because it's currently 2nd, I too don't want to hear about when Brock will lose the belt.

Frank Botello

When is this Fantasy Booking Warfare happening ?