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Hello SWAFT Nation! (We're taking it back!)

We first want to thank you all for pledging to the WrestleTalk Patreon page. Not only have you given us big smiles on our faces, we’re now almost half way to reaching our goal of upgrading the studio Internet for live-stream WrestleRambles and pay-per-view reactions.

Last month we sat down and looked at our Patreon tiers, your interactions and viewership to see if we were giving you the most for your pledges. We then posted a questionnaire for your feedback on the tiers and we asked our YouTube viewers for even more suggestions. With all those INCREDIBLE STATISTICS, we’ve come up with a plan...


First let us address a few of the suggestions you put forward and why we can’t do them. This isn’t the fun bit, but we wanted to be as upfront as possible.

  • Ad-free shows

In our poll we held on YouTube, this tied last place (with 9%), so we decided the demand isn’t really there.

  • Extra News Episodes / Quiz / Nonsense Show /Drunk shows

Sadly, this also only got 9% of the YouTube vote - but we’ll aim to get as much random rambling in our NEW BONUS PATREON PODCAST (more on that in a bit…)

  • Video Game Playthroughs

This one could happen at a later date, but we simply don’t have time at the moment.

  • “Get a Sexy Statistician”

We called Dana Brooke but she didn’t return our calls.

  • “Bring Back WrestleSketch”

Again, we’re pushed to our limits in terms of what we can make, and WrestleSketch is a very labour-intensive show (for something that only ends up being about 70 seconds...)

So, what's changing?

  • Friday WrestleRamble Early Access

Based on viewing figures and patterns, we’re going to drop the early-access Friday WrestleRamble for $5+ backers. We’re going to be posting PPV prediction videos on Fridays instead of Saturdays moving forward - which means the early access isn’t much of a reward anymore.

  • Mailbag For Everyone! 

We want to hear more from Patreon pledgers on WrestleRamble, so we’re opening the mailbag to all backers of any tier. You send us a message on Patreon, and we’ll endeavour to answer it in the Ramble.

  • Monthly Hall of Fame Inductions

We’re sadly also going to be dropping the monthly Hall of Fame Induction video, as it's become slightly unmanageable now we’ve got so many of you wonderful backers. It was perfectly fine when it started (around 50-60 Patreons), but now we’re at 400+ (a number we hope is only going to get larger), it takes a full day to make that video - time we could spend making stuff that you guys like a lot more. Instead this video will become a page on WrestleTalk.com.

Right, now that’s out of the way – here’s what we can actually do!

  • Bonus WrestleRamble – EXCLUSIVE TO PATREON $10 BACKERS

One of the biggest suggestions and requests we got was to cover more non-WWE main roster wrestling. And with independent wrestling on the rise – along with more access available to New Japan and British wrestling – we’re going to launch a new monthly show where we review NXT, ROH and all that comes between.

  • Record Your Own ‘Support WrestleTalk’ Intro!

This was the winner of the YouTube poll (by some distance). From now on, $50 backers can record themselves saying “SUPPORT WRESTLETALK! GIVE US A SUBSCRIBE!” to go on a WrestleTalk YouTube video! We love this reward as it’s more involvement for you guys, which is something we really want to do. Speaking of...

  • Fantasy Booking Warefare Scenarios!

We really enjoy doing Fantasy Booking Warfare, but we want you to be more involved. From now on, we’ll pick the booking topics from $25+ backer suggestions, and then every backer can vote for which one they want to see! Similar to the WrestleRamble Extra poll, but there’s more fantasy involved.

So here’s how the new tiers look:

ENHANCEMENT TALENT - $1+ per month

You’ll be inducted into the WrestleTalk Hall of Fame, and have your name displayed proudly on WrestleTalk.com for all to see! You can also vote in the WrestleRamble Extra and Fantasy Booking Warfare polls, and submit questions for the WrestleRamble mailbag!

DEVELOPMENTAL - $5+ per month

The BONUS WrestleRamble Extra podcast for Patreon donators only, where Luke and Oli review PPVs from professional wrestling’s past – which currently includes Money in the Bank 2011, Survivor Series 1998, Armageddon 2000 and Wrestle Kingdom 10! You also get all the previous rewards.

MAIN ROSTER - $10+ per month

Access to RAMBLECLUB! – a brand new monthly Patreon-exclusive show where we review NXT, ROH, New Japan and all that comes in between! Want us to watch something non-WWE related? As long as we can access it, we’ll try! You also get all the previous rewards.

MID CARD CHAMPION - $25+ per month

Not only will you get a shout out from Luke and Oli in the WrestleRamble show, you can also suggest topics for the Fantasy Booking Warfare WrestleRamble episodes and PPVs for Luke and Oli to review in the WrestleRamble Extra podcast. Plus, all of the previous rewards.

MAIN EVENTER - $50+ per month

Be a part of WrestleTalk! At this tier you can record yourself shouting SUPPORT WRESTLETALK and we’ll feature it at the start of a WrestleTalk News episode! Plus, all of the previous rewards.

LEGEND'S DEAL - $100+ per month

WHOA! Thank you so much! We want to thank you so much that we’ll send you a personalised video each and every month you donate this amount. Remember – this is $100 a month! Plus, all rewards from previous tiers. 

HEAD OF CREATIVE - $500+ per month

Oli will make a WrestleSketch video based on YOUR IDEA (taste and decency levels permitting), with the end result dedicated to you.


We hope you understand our choices and enjoy our new reward system. As always, feedback is always appreciated and taken on board – so let us know your thoughts below.

Luke & Oli x


Jared Conatser

Well nobs. I just submitted (what seemed to be by the response on there) a cracking idea for the WrestleSketch on YouTube. But that mailbag bonus though.

Jeremy Hyrkas

looking forward to the rambleclub podcast!

Alistair Gammond

Genuinely going to miss the shout out every month, even though I only got two. I found them incredibly entertaining and the anticipation of not knowing if it was going to me that got the shout out next, was DELIGHTFUL...


Once I'm able I will up my donations to $10 as I would love NXT ppv's reviews. NXT and watching your YouTube videos is what got me back into wrestling

Tal Schulmiller

Can you please do the roh/NJPW podcast for $5 backers?


Where is my wrestleramble????


Mailbag question. In your opinion will anybody actually ever walk with Elias?


when will my induction be ?


Amazing job guys keep up the good work

DJ Deth

Thanks for all the hard work. This all looks very fair and well thought out.

Jeanna Vickie-Marie Hatfield (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 13:18:30 definitely noticed the hall of fame videos were getting a little exhausting. loved them so much... but the new tiers look great & having the HoF on the site is an awesome trade off. keep up the WONDERFUL work!! we’re still supporting you to the fullest here in Belfry, KY USA! 🙌🏽
2018-04-02 05:44:15 definitely noticed the hall of fame videos were getting a little exhausting. loved them so much... but the new tiers look great & having the HoF on the site is an awesome trade off. keep up the WONDERFUL work!! we’re still supporting you to the fullest here in Belfry, KY USA! 🙌🏽

definitely noticed the hall of fame videos were getting a little exhausting. loved them so much... but the new tiers look great & having the HoF on the site is an awesome trade off. keep up the WONDERFUL work!! we’re still supporting you to the fullest here in Belfry, KY USA! 🙌🏽