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Hello Swaftnation! 

It's a new month, which means it's time to get your votes in for the PPV we're going to record for the December WrestleRamble Extra! Without further ado, here's your options!

WCW Starrcade 1990 (Suggested by Kevin "Razmataz" Chappell)

It's an event full of tag team matches for the Pat O'Connor Memorial International Cup Tag Team Tournament, a steel cage match between Sting and The Black Scorpian, and  a Texas Lariat Match between Stan Hansen and Lex Luger.

WCW Starrcade 1995 (Suggested by David "Hendrix is God" McKenzie)

Advertised as the World Cup of Wrestling, Starrcade 1995 featured the best of WCW and New Japan Pro Wrestling, and features a main event of Ric Flair taking on Randy Savage for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The last Starrcade before the nWo.

WCW Starrcade 1998 (Suggested by John McBride of Frankenstein)

We actually teased this episode when talking about Halloween Havoc 1998 back in October. It's Kevin Nash versus Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship - with Goldberg's undefeated streak on the line! Also features Ric Flair versus Eric Bischoff!

WWF Tuesday in Texas 1991 (Suggested by Paul E Dangerously Jarman)

Hulk Hogan looks to reclaim his WWF Championship from the fiendish Undertaker in this special one-off event. Also on the card, Jake Roberts vs. Randy Savage, Ric Flair vs. Roddy Pipper and Bret Hart vs. Skinner!

ECW December to Dismember

Look, the WWECW didn't get off to the best of starts, but December to Dismember is thought to be the final nail in the coffin. It was the PPV that killed the WWE career of Paul Heyman for a number of years, and it drew a horrible buyrate. A disaster of a PPV.

WWF Armageddon 2000

You like Hell in a Cell matches? Well what if a Hell in a Cell match has SIX WRESTLERS in it at the same time? Blimey! Armageddon 2000 also features Chris Jericho vs. Kane in a Last Man Standing match, but really this is all about the Armageddon Hell in a Cell.

NXT Takeover: London

And finally, our first ever NXT option! Oli and I actually attended this show live, and features a great match between Bayley and Nia Jax, Asuka vs. Emma and Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe. Sounds like your average episode of Raw nowadays, doesn't it?



6 man hell in a cell FTW

Phil Stopford

If it ISN'T ECW December to Dismember then you are all REALLY BORING! We know how bad a show it is. MAKE. THEM. WATCH. IT. It's Christmas!!!! Get into the Christmas spirit!


LUKE: For some reason, Starrcade 1990 is left off this list. So if you did want that one, respond in the comments and I'll tally them up. Good work, Patreon!

Antonio Phillips

Fingers crossed for Armageddon 2000, the ppv that got me into wrestling!

Llew Silverbeard

I’m going with ECW ! I watched this on PPV and it is GRAND!

David Mackenzie

Yeah I didn't realise Armageddon in a cell was in December I'm voting for that one.

Tal Schulmiller

Story: so I was in a Wrestling store (pro wrestling universe in NYC) and they had a box of action figures that were kind of dismantled, so they were only $2 each. After digging around for a while, I found a hidden gem: an elite-looking chris Benoit figure. However, right when I picked it up, I heard a chair shot. (They were playing old wwf PPVs) I turned around to see Benoit on the screen, dripping blood from a shot to the head. I turned back around to my Benoit figure, and the head was gone.

Tal Schulmiller

Can you do a wrestleramble that’s just crap gimmicks