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Happy Friday SWAFT Nation!

Although Luke is away in Iceland for his honeymoon right now, he is still magically appearing in this weekend's WrestleRamble episode (through the mysterious TNA magic of pre-recording content).

It's the first battle of November's WrestleTalk War, with me and Luke trying to book Kurt Angle's in-ring WWE return better. 

Hope you enjoy, and we'll see you on Monday.

Peace out,



Re-Booking Kurt Angle's In-Ring WWE RETURN - FANTASY BOOKING WARFARE | WrestleRamble

Re-booking Kurt Angle's in-ring WWE return is the latest Fantasy Booking Warfare challenge for Luke & Oli in this WrestleRamble... Order WrestleTalk Magazine Issue #1 HERE! - http://wrestletalk.bigcartel.com/ Re-booking Kurt Angle's in-ring WWE return (Oli) - 3:03 Re-booking Kurt Angle's in-ring WWE return (Luke) - 25:25 Who won? - 33:30 Subscribe to WrestleTalk for daily WWE and wrestling news! https://goo.gl/WfYA12 Support WrestleTalk on Patreon here! http://goo.gl/2yuJpo Subscribe to WrestleTalk's WRESTLERAMBLE PODCAST on iTunes - https://goo.gl/7advjX Catch us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/WrestleTalkTV Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/WrestleTalk_TV


The Myth The Legend El Barto

Hellz yea you guys are more awesome than the miz and he's pretty AWESOME the podcast, the rambles the wrestletalk news and Luke's remember back than videos and let's not forget WRESTLE SKETCH I'm so glad I'm donating you guys and congratulations congratulationsto Luke and your wife and oli don't get to jealous of Luke's wife putting a ring him before you lol


You should book Jeff Hardys singles run after wrestlemania whenhe returns.


This is awkward - neither really. Oil made Angle the heel and pushed bland Jason Jordon & Luke pushed Braun in a very similar way to how he'd already been pushed but for some strange reason Angle decided to come out of retirement for him - why not have Braun atleast beat up Shelton Benjamin causing Angle to have some personal involvement?  I thought one would have Jordan finally face Kurt - Jordan being the heel because he'd lied along. Or Angle and Stephanie begin to subtlety flirt and that ends with HHH vs Angle at Wrestlemania. Or an even easier one - Put Balor in with the shield and why not have Samoa Joe remind Kurt of their history, he beats up Jason Jordan causing Kurt to defend him. 


Rebook Bobby Roode's main roster debut rather than him having a squash match against The Drama King Aiden English or to make thing interesting, rebook jinder's wwe title run or rebook john cena winning his 16th world heavyweight championship

Daniel Bramlett

Could you book how wwe would’ve changed if Batista went to smackdown and fought jbl and John Cena at wrestle mania instead of Triple H, like how the landscape would be different around that time