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Morning everyone! Here's the weekend WrestleRamble a whole day early - and it's another FANTASY BOOKING WARFARE! This week we'll be tackling the tricky issue of how to save the cruiserweight divison. Wish us luck.

Peace out!

Luke x


(No title)


Phil Stopford

Asuka will be ruined by Vince McMahon on the "main roster", just like *insert name here" before her and *insert name here* before them too

Phil Stopford

Phil the Fisherman, FILLET OF FISH, maybe?

Phil Stopford

I think Oli's IS great BUT, you're ended the Cruiserweight division to save it..... That's a DQ for you I think.


OLI: It depends what you class the 'Cruiserweight Division' as - the performers within it, or the division itself.

Jere Pesonen

Crappybooking sounds cool. Thats where you book something most Crappy ways.. Worst Win... My crappygimmick is "Finnish-CHER-Finnisher" basecly she is normal Girl from Finland and she loves cher's music. She tries beat everybody Who mock's cher and she wears cher's outfit from 1990's. she cant wrestle at all.


Yay I suggested this on Twitter over a month ago.


I think oli won this week. I think 205 needs rebranding


Firstly, you missed a trick - Phil the Fisher man and Fish Monger should form a tag team...SEA-MEN - Vince Russo would love it.


Following the theme Attitude era/Vince Russo esq Crap Gimmick - Stephen Thomas David - S.T.D - Dressed very similar to Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman, but more gross. No one wants to put him in headlocks or touch him - just in case they catch something. And his finishing move is boxing the opponents ears which he calls 'The CLAP' - in which he claps loudly like Big E and fans chat - S.T.D....S.T.D.... The commentators are instructed to refer to his popularity as 'catching and contagious', or 'the virus is spreading'.