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Happy Friday y'all,

Here's Saturday's WrestleRamble for all you wonderful Patreon people A WHOLE DAY EARLY!

And it ain't just any WrestleRamble. It's a FANTASY BOOKING WARFARE EPISODE!


(Is that dog meme still a thing?)

I hope you enjoy the new episode, and if you're struggling who to vote for in the video, just go for me. It's easier that way.

Peace out,



How WWE Should've Booked Bobby Roode's Smackdown Debut! | WrestleRamble

How WWE should've booked Bobby Roode's Smackdown debut in this Fantasy Booking Warfare episode of WrestleRamble... Subscribe to WrestleTalk for daily WWE and wrestling news! https://goo.gl/WfYA12 How WWE should've booked Bobby Roode's Smackdown debut (Oli) - 08:47 Patreon WrestleTalk Hall of Fame inductions - 23:42 How WWE should've booked Bobby Roode's Smackdown debut (Luke) - 25:39 Support WrestleTalk on Patreon here! http://goo.gl/2yuJpo Subscribe to WrestleTalk's WRESTLERAMBLE PODCAST on iTunes - https://goo.gl/7advjX Catch us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/WrestleTalkTV Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/WrestleTalk_TV


Josh Razauskas

Was that last name supposed to be me in the shout outs Oli or have I just not gotten mine yet? I don't mind or anything because I'm not sure when your supposed to get a shout out I just wasn't sure. I really liked both storylines in this one it's really really hard to pick one this time. I think by the skin of my teeth I'm going to go with Luke on this one just because Bobby Roode on Raw is interesting because SmackDown is a bit overcrowded right now.


Luke booked better this week


I so badly want to vote for oli but luke did a better booking


I voted for Luke, but the more I think about it, the more I liked Oli's booking a little bit better.