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Howdy all,

Apologies the Hall of Fame video is a bit later than normal (usually it's at the start of the month). A mixture of me being away and Luke starting full-time at the studio pushed it back.

To make it up to you, I tried something different: no jump cuts, just one take reading all 200 Patreon donator names. It got sweaty.

There's also a little announcement at the start that nobody knows about yet, which will hopefully please a few of you. One of the most persistent things I'm asked is 'When is WrestleSketch coming back?' And now you have your answer...



WrestleTalk Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - July 2017 (Patreon)

It's the WrestleTalk Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony for July 2017, where Oli inducts all those who have donated to WrestleTalk's Patreon page, complete with their own wrestling nickname. Subscribe to WrestleTalk for daily WWE and wrestling news! https://goo.gl/WfYA12 Support WrestleTalk on Patreon here! http://goo.gl/2yuJpo Subscribe to the WrestleTalk Podcast Network on iTunes: https://goo.gl/783yg4 Catch us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/WrestleTalkTV Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/WrestleTalk_TV



8:15 love it, thanks Oli!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 18:06:40 Haven’t seen her in your style for a while, but definitely spicy as always! 🥵🥵🥵
2017-07-20 16:28:44 2:35 , The best name in the whole list. Just kidding. Seriously though its awesome that he did this in one go

2:35 , The best name in the whole list. Just kidding. Seriously though its awesome that he did this in one go


Swaft! So, had a thought about an exclusive show. Since the Patreon supporters are like what brings you to the show what about a show that takes a wrestler and looks at their body of work with commentary at all the things that brought them to prominence? Since most promotions gloss over the work of wrestlers due to contracts and the like it would be nice to see a show that connected all the dots.


#SWAFT you should do something on new Japan. Don't know much about that. Tna is shit. Havn't really bin able to get into ROH


I agree that that sounds cool, but if I may interject, there is a channel called Wrestling Hub, he or they do Origins for wrestlers, which kind of sounds like what you are talking about, but I don't know how detailed he gets about their rise to prominence, I think it is mostly where they've been before WWE.


You're welcome, those are the only videos I watch on that channel, I do think Luke and Oli could do the idea some justice though, they're very fun to listen to.


Here's another idea. It would be a show that totally rebooks who ever you want whether it is WWE, WWF, New Japan, TNA, ROH, essentially it will be a results show that uses still frames to talk about an incredible show of wrestling. Characters can be rewriten, storylines can be twisted. Essentially each show leads up to the once a year extravoganza that is Wrestletalks biggest show of all time plus infitiy. Where titles like the Interdimesnional Belt is defended. Ultimately it would be a fantasy booking wrestling promotion. However, to keep work managable you'd only talk about the high spots whether that be high spots in ring or excellent promos and angles in a show.


Do you create these names, or do the Patrons come up with their own name?


As one of the donators, I can say I did not come up with the name I was given.


OLI: It's a mixture of the two. If people want a nickname, let me know and I'll change the one I've came up with.


I love mine " El Diablo Pedro Mendez" 🙌🏽


thanks for the input... would be cool to have either penguin or wombat somewhere in the name; though I'll take whatever you give me. PS my real name is Darryl W Perry - the account shows my business name


#SWAFT Oli you are a really nice person and I admire your willingness to try out new stuff but I have a suggestion for you. Actually its a business advice kind of thing...I have 4 top ideas which are sure to get "our" WrestleTalk channel cruising past everyone on YouTube . I want to contact you via e-mail but I dont have your e-mail address. Pls be kind enough to drop your e-mail address ! Love and regards to you, Luke and my fellow WrestleTalkers from me...

DANiel 'The Mayor of Painsville' Schachtmeier

Mayor of Painsville is still a tough job. You can't imagine. Thankfully my pal Mark just finished The Hall of Pain, where i'll move into a bigger office.


OLI: If Mark says he wants to talk to you about retiring, run in the other direction.


OLI: Thanks very much for the kind words. You can email me on oli@wrestletalk.tv


Always last and loving it.


Also Oli mate whats the name of movie movie podcast?


#SWAFT! For some reason i received a notification saying my pledge apparently didn't go through, but i'm oddly able to see the content... strange. I did pledge $10 and my mobile bank app seems to be showing it took the payment but (along with other things i need to sort out for personals at the bank anyway) i'll be going to the bank in the morning and while i'm there, i'll ask and see what's up with my pledge. I do hope you received it though, despite whatever that notification i got said... My brother (from another mother) and I LOVE watching your product and hope you are able to keep doing this! BTW yes in my profile pic i am holding the ACTUAL NWA World Heavyweight Title... was a few years ago when Adam Pierce was the champion (legit, HE took the photo of me) before he did a thing with TNA Impact to join the roster and such, never mind he didn't. Performed an indie circuit in my home town facing Carlito for the title.. now i'm rambling hahaa.


OLI: Thank you very much for the kind words, and Pierce's run with the belt was really good. His seven match series with Colt Cabana was great.