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That Welsh Guy

it's kinda weird to hear Luke criticise Stephanie for cutting in or talking over Bryan when he's been so vocally in favour of it from Eddie or Punk, I'm just not sure I see the difference.

Matthew Richardson

could listen to you lads discuss anything forever and i don't think i would get bored. Appreciate all the content and Luke's "love you bye" at the end gets me in the feels every time


Some people might not, but I love the opening banter between you guys. I wait all month for these wrestle talk extras, so when you guys open like you did here it almost feels like I’m catching up w the boys that I only get to see once a month. I hope this never ends bc I’d love for us all to be in our 50’s and 60’s reminiscing about wm 40

Spencer Sanchez

Luke and Oli with the ability to pull up clips for reference is just pure gold