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From now on it is possible to get a second part or a second drawing of the exclusive patreon drawings🔞, and you will have 2 ways to do it:

Through the Likes or hearts 💖:

In each publication I will put the minimum hearts to be able to obtain a second drawing before 24 hours after the publication of that drawing, in this way:
"(quantity)💖-24H:part 2"
.This "quantity" In this first week of testing will vary between 15 and 25 hearts, this quantity will increase or decrease depending on the success of this new dynamic

Buying the second part💲:

You can buy the second part or second drawing, if not more than a week has passed since the publication of that drawing on the patreon,You can send me a private message and buy the second part for 15 USD, however this is not a commission or an order, it is only to ensure the second part of the drawing.

.The 15 USD increase +5 USD for the part number💲
_That is, part 2 will cost 15 USD, but part 3 will cost 20 USD and so on as there are more parts.
.These bought parts will have their own list and will have higher priority than the second parts by 💖.


_Normally these second parts will be uploaded in patreon a week after the publication of the first part✍
_ If 24 hours 🕐 pass after the publication and the goal of 💖 is not achieved, the opportunity for a second part is cancelled.
_There will be a limit of 3 drawings that can have their second part every week,In the description of each post I will inform if that limit has been completed💬.


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