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Hello folks

I'm thinking of perhaps launching a extra 20$ tier which would included all of the previous feature plus 1 genuinely spicy cheesecake for those who want something hotter than the regular stuff.

This is just an idea thou because I don't know if I'd have the time to make an extra picture every month but depending of the interest I may give it a chance.

Tell me what you think on the pool below.




Voted for 'don't want to pay' when it's really 'am unable to pay'. I'm pushing it with what I do *now* across all my pledges.


I'd go with maybe $15. I'm with the other guy, I don't have a lot of spare cash with all the patreons I want to support.


I'd like spicier content, and access to older pics I missed would be nice, but $20 is quite a bit for just that.


Kind of on the fence about paying more because I'm already stretched with the number of pledges I make. Maybe if it was something like a $15 tier.


I voted "yes" to this, but if every month is an issue, perhaps you could lower the tier price to about $15 and make one every other month? If per month is too much of a stress, at least.


I'd like to echo what others have said. I would pay more than I'm currently paying for extra spicy stuff but $20 is more than I can justify.


I mean I would pay more but I’d prefer not to pay more.


Another option would be to replace one (or both) of the two pics exclusive to the $10 tier with an extra spicy one.


I also voted for "spicier stuff, but I don't want to pay more" and if one more is too much work for you, I'd rather one of the "mild" drawings be upgraded. Though if you want to add an extra drawing it would only be fair to pay more for it.


Take my money


Id even pay 25$ : D


I'd love to see spicier stuff, but $20 is a lot, especially on Patreon. Doubly so when you remember the highest "real" tier here is $10. What we have now is cute and hot, but it's softcore. Is spice a "de-censoring?" Is it hardcore? Napkin math puts a normal pinup at ~$2 based on the reward tiers. For something explicit of the same quality we get now I'd do $4, and hardcore $5. I couldn't justify more than $15 tho.


Voted Yes, also as a note I would pay money for a tier that gets me access to older content that I missed.


Maybe you could do a 15$ tier for the extra naughty cheesecake and a 20$ for the spicy+ uncensored version of the regular one (not an artist do not know how long it take to make alternate uncensored versions). also you could turn use that 100$ (or maybe create a lower priced tier) as a gallery access to all cheesecakes/art you ever made since some of us did miss quite a bunch of them.


or just remove one softcore or 2 to give an naughty one, just some suggestion. i'll keep support you whatever you choose.


While I'm all for hotter stuff I think it may make you subject to Patreon's scrutiny to a degree far beyond what you risk with just cheesecake

Cley Faye

Had to vote the "won't pay more" option. $20 monthly is starting to be a bit high :( there's a limit to how thin I can stretch each subscriptions I have here. At this point, I would probably go on and off between the current $10 and the possible $20 tier.


While I would probably pay the extra price, $10 for one additional pic is quite the hard pill to swallow, especially given your release schedule out here on patreon is usually dragged out till the end of the month already.

Connie Edogawa

I like the idea of the $20 tier, but it's not that I don't want to pay more so much as I can't afford to.


I feel like $10 is already on the high end for the content. Seems like you're pushing everything out at the end of the month because of the obligation. I see my $10 as more of supporting NerfNow that I've enjoyed for years. So TL;DR: can't justify paying more but hotter content would be nice.


As others have said, it feels a little hard to switch from $10 to $20 for a single spicier picture. Since you have reservations about trying to cram a fifth picture in each month anyway, it feels like it would make more sense to just make one of the $10 pictures spicier, but that's obviously your call.


Does it bother you it all come near the end of the month instead of spread?


Like any good artist I'm terrible with schedules, but if this bother people I'll try to space it out a bit.


Maybe 15 but 20 is too much to feed my FOMO


The 20$ price tag isn't set on stone, but it's less about the dollar per pic and more about how much more I can work on top of what I am already working. To be honest, I'm unsure if I could handle a single extra pic every month now I'm trying to put more quality in each one.


i voted for hotter stuff but not at a raised price so i'll explain why right now i play in AUD which is then turned into USD which means i am always paying a bit more then $10 so while i like the idea playing $20USD means i'm playing around $40 AUD and that that point i don't think one spicy cheesecake a month is really worth that. sorry if that comes off cold


I'm not your patreon as of right now, and one of the reasons is that even though I like what you do, I could never justify to myself the cheesecakes since they're a little too tame for me. If a new spicy pick was added, I would consider more carefully the idea of joining your patreon. But even so, $20 is a little too steep for me. I'm also brazilian, so you know i would be paying something like R$70, and that's simply not possible on this day and age =/


Well even tho the original idea dndnt win, it seems 90% does like it hot, and only 5% is happy the way it currently is


If you can't fit 5 pictures a month you should probably just do 3 of the weak stuff and then 1 spicy pic if you really want to keep the "cheesecake" stuff. But really the spicy pic is all i'd be interested in to begin with. And paying double is a bit much for that. Fortunately it seems like almost everyone wants the hotter stuff so I look forward to when that change is made.