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I decide to share some of the many ideas I had but for one reason or another (read, time) I had for comics.

Some of those ideas were meant to run on Nerf NOW!!, others were made for perhaps a new webcomic and some, like this one, could even had replaced the comic we know.

The idea behind this one is familiar to older readers, instead of making a gag comic like I do now I would instead focus deeper on the TF2 lore.

The reason for me not going there were many, let me list it...

- TF2 isn't that popular anymore and even when I was on it's peak I knew it could fade eventually. I'm pretty sure many of the recent readers won't be here if NN was just TF2-centric comic.

- My version of TF2 would be very different of the canon one. There are lots of stuff on TF2 lore I dislike right now like Saxton Hale and how all the mercs personality end up hyper exaggerated. However, if I am to ignore so much of the lore what is the point? May as well do my own original thing...

- Most important, I don't own Team Fortress and I feel it would be unwise to go even deeper on a IP I don't own. Even if Valve was super generous I still couldn't print and sell it unless I REALLY wanted to push my luck.

For those curious, the comic would be about the girls being "problem" mercenaries who were sent to a backwater base where they could cause less issues. While there the whole machine invasion (from Mann vs Machine) happens and they need to literally hold the fort against a far superior enemy force.

Fun fact - The story happened originally on 2Fort and Angie was the original resident there. The base was extremely dilapidated and part of the challenge was to survive when you didn't even had working weapons. 

A common joke was every time they get a supply crate it was full of cosmetics so I could always rotate the girls looks with whatever was hot on the workshop.

Looking behind, it was like a zombie survival but with robots and hats.

There is very little chance of me doing this comic and however it's probably one I would enjoy doing the most.




it sounds like a really good concept maybe you could do a short written story with it to see how your views would react to it and go from there


A "short"version would still take weeks, probably months, to really start.


I'd read it :) maybe you can make it a spin-off like XKCD did "What If?" as a spin-off for a while? Maybe you could do a panel or two a week or at whatever pace you would like to do, and your readers who don't like TF2 can just continue to read the regular comic but the people who are into this will read this too.


I already do 5 comics a week, do you want me to work non-stop? :(


sorry i didn't mean to imply right away i was thinking over a period of time and something along the lines of 2000 words


I think most patrons wouldn't mind if you went down to 0-3/week to try an idea out


Honestly? I would enjoy that very much. Sad that I know working on that would be unfeasible, but if it ever becomes possible... ;)