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So here is the breakdown!

Production: 1st Priority!!! Most of the budget is spent here, where the focus is on the quality sound of me duh!... and of course the sound of the MUSIC! Synthwave deserves dynamic range, and the best software to play the music. Currently we are running an old version of SAM Broadcaster to keep the show flowing. Since the show is live, there are tons of room for failure on old software.. we want to eliminate that threat as soon as possible so it doesn't happen!

Music Licensing: It's very important to support our artist!!! Luckly we have gained tons of online partnerships with several artist who are always willing to send tracks to the show, but there are tons of good music out there that we do pay for. Not like a traditional radio show, where they get paid to play certain songs; we are a showcase podcast simply to promote great music by great people in the Synthwave scene.

Servers/Distribution: It is important that our listeners get a chance to listen to the show live, and anytime they want completely free! Good for you, but bad for us. Since we are a live show, we run it through a company called Spreaker. They allow us to broadcast live simultaneously through different outlets and archives it for our listeners to enjoy anytime and anywhere. 

Bandwidth/Equipment: Of course everything is run through the interwebs now adays, so of course we have to make sure we have some decent internet speeds. I'm currently located in Central California, and you guessed it... the internet here blows! So we do pay a premium to make sure we have good speeds to run the show perfectly, with even ideas of have live video shows in the future. Our standard instruments for broadcasting is our custom PC, a couple of condenser microphones (cheap ones), and a amp mixer to keep the show leveled when we are live.

Imaging/Copyrights: This is moderately simple, since this deals with more of the promotional side of the podcast. Dealing with video, photos, music, and sounds or basically anything that has our brand in it.

Labor/Management: I run everything... this is my baby and it's all a labor of love! Everybody in the commuinty is completely amazing! It's just very time consuming, when I'm not off on my day job; I'm here. I'm always around looking for new material and handling the whole operations. Answering emails, talking on skype, producing material for social media, and just keeping up to date on what is going in the synth world!

I hope this kinda gives a in depth look on how this whole show operates, and it kinda makes is clear why it's a monthly show rather than a weekly show (which it's our goal to make it a weekly show) if you guys have any questions feel free to write to me! -  ℞ayzor



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