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Hey guys! Just wanted to check-in with y'all! I want to start making new content for you guys exclusively for Patreon, but curious on what you guys would like to see? More video, pictures, maybe some exclusive tracks? If you guys have any ideas, let me know! 

Update 1: I'm currently working on a Synth Zone website, so we'll be posting music & movie reviews, artist discussions, more interviews, concert reviews, video streaming, exclusive merch, and a bunch of new stuff coming! 

Update 2: We are also working with venues up and down California for future show ideas, we feel that Synth Zone has a great potential for hosting synthwave/retro themed shows. We are starting in California, but if done right we'll be able to shows everywhere! Even international shows! 

Update 3: Instagram & Twitter building! We are trying to promote my personal Instagram & Twitter @bigray826 to gain more potential listeners and followers for the brand!

Update 4: YouTube Controversy, so YouTube is very copyright heavy when it comes to Synthwave music. So we want to do something different for the Synthwave Community when it comes to our YouTube channel; but we have no clear ideas yet? So what do you guys think our YouTube channel should have?

And that's really it! If we have more updates for you guys we'll let you know! Thank you again for all the support! We are trying to hit 100 Patreon backers by the end of May 2019! Let us know your thoughts on how we could gain more backers! You guys are awesome! #StayRetro



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