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Break 1

Whoo we are back! Welcome to Synth Zone, I’m your host with most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past and I’m a time traveler from 1985 with one mission and that one mission is to spread the love of synthwave, synthpop, retrowave, and nothing but the best from the world of nostalgia! Another week has gone by and we got several new tracks today and some classics like how we just played Mitch Murder’s Playing for Keeps off his Kung Fury lost tapes soundtrack! Such an awesome soundtrack, we got more of that coming up! I also would like to thank our patreon followers and backers for pitching in to keep our lights out! You know who you are! If you want to support the show and get some awesome goodies by doing so just head to patreon.com/synthzone that’s p a t r e o n.com/synthzone and make a dollar pledge today! Or be awesome like our rebel dj david archer who has donated $10 bucks, because he’s a freaking rebel! I would also like to thank our Facebook followers over at facebook.com/synthzone over 2.5 thousand loyal followers and it’s amazing seeing all that feedback from all you of you! And all the support, it means so much to us and it inspires to me to keep making awesome shows like this and more to come in the future! Alright enough about me, let’s get into the music starting off with some RthR with Neon Jungle here on synthzone!

Break 2

And that was Unfound with Nightflying, hey I’m your host with most rayzor aka mr. blast from the past! I hope you guys were able to check out The Midnight And FM-84’s show over in LA Yesterday and got some sweet footage, I wasn’t able to go, but I’m ready to see all the POV shots on youtube! If you guys were there send me a link to some of your videos, because I would love to see them over at facebook.com/synthzone let me check those out! Also we got THE APX gonna be playing on Tuesday night over at the SLO Brew in San Luis Obispo, CA it’s a free show, starts at 7 be there or be square I’ll defiantly gonna be there to check that out! If you spot me, just be like yo your rayzor and I’ll be like who and walk away… just kidding if you spot me out I’ll buy you a round I promise! It’s gonna be awesome! Let’s get back into the music with some Android Automatic with Mojave here on synth zone!

Break 3

And that was Falling Islands with Just Another Song About Summer! I truly do miss the summer already, but I’m also ready for the raining season here in California. Hey I’m your host with the most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past, just letting you guys know that I’m gonna be heading out a little bit early today because I got’s to get going for that show in San Luis Obispo with the APX, once again I hope to see you guys there! I’m gonna play a few more tracks before I head out so stay tuned, have you guys heard about the Rise Of The Synths documentary? Well if you haven’t heard about this movie? Look it up, because it looks epic. It was a crowd funded movie about the synthwave scene but I guess there is some finance issues going on putting some artist interviews on hold like our buddy Vincenzo Salvia, which is a real shame, but he expressed that it’s nobody’s fault just the economics of small budgeted film. So for you buddy I’m gonna play his awesome cover of Sunglasses at night here on synth zone!

Break 4

And that was Vector with Neon Wasteland, And that’s it! I gots to head out I’ve got quite a drive, I’m gonna be traveling to see THE APX show over in San Luis Obispo at the SLO Brew on Tuesday night, once again I hope to see you there! Then after that show, I will be heading back to 1985 to regroup my thoughts refuel my flux capacitor, and enjoy a nice cold beer with some pizza! If you like the show please share, like, follow, subscribe, all that stuff and check out facebook.com/synthzone and stay in touch on everything we are doing! If you want to support the show even further just head to patreon.com/synthzone and make a simple pledge to keep the show going, and help us build out synth zone empire! I’m gonna end the show with this sweet tears for fears cover by ninja sex party! Alright! Stay fresh, stay awesome, and most of all stay retro! I’m your host with the most rayzor aka mr. blast from the past and I’m out



I was just listening to episode 002 again and the time-traveller getting all nostalgic for Tang and Snapple gets me every time. You should get some Tang online and keep it on your kitchen counter just for show.


Hell Yeah! I'm gonna add that to my Amazon cart and have that stocked! Feeling a bit better though, just been on that Sprite and Cough Drop diet haha