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Break 1

HOLY SHIT! Are we back!? What?? Soo SOON!? You god damn right! I’m you’re host with the most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past, I’m a time traveler from 1985 with one mission and that mission is to spread the love of synthwave, synthpop, retrostyle, outrun, vaporwave, and all kinds of modern 80’s feel good music! You guys have to thank Who-Ha for this, he wanted us to shoot for 2 shows a month instead of 1 and you know what we’re going for it! Hopefully everything goes well, we do have the live video stream going so if you’ve liked our facebook page at facebook.com/synthzone we have our live video feed shooting you some real nostalgia visuals as we glide into the abyss of synthwave music! If the video starts bugging out, you can always catch us live on spreaker right now at spreaker.com/synthzone! Lets get into the music! If you listened to show before you know I got to play this lovely lady first! Here is a remix track fresh off of Nina’s new EP that was just released here is Counting Stars the Doulglas Holmquist remix here on Synth Zone!

Break 2

And that was Bart Graft with Private Number! I’m you’re host with the most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past in case you didn’t already know that and today I got a bunch of new stuff and 100’s of submissions like way to many! And it’s awesome! Once again, if I don’t play your song today never fear it doesn’t mean that I didn’t like it! And it might make it to the next show who knows? I got some announcements for you guys! We are building a website for Synth Zone, to do album reviews, stories, album releases, gossip, music videos, and speaking of music videos, we are building a dedicated youtube channel for Synth Zone also so more awesome music videos coming your way. But our facebook page will get everything first! So Make sure to follow us at facebook.com/synthzone! And if you guys want to contribute to the show and help us out we have a patreon page that is P A T R E O N.com/SYNTHZONE and you can pledge a certain amount every month and every little bit helps and I would like to thank our official party starter David Archer for helping out he is one of our patreon subscribers straight from over the ocean in Japan! Now the shameless plug is out of the way, let’s get straight to business and speaking of business here is Michael Weber with Secretary Rhonda here on Synth Zone

Break 3

*snort* I’m you’re host with the most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past, welcome to synth zone! And that was Hard Times by the Jetzons also known as Ice Cap Zone Theme from Sonic 3, just in case you we’re wondering why it sounded so familiar?? Trust me, too much time on the internet to not know these things! By the way if you guys are experiencing lag issues with the video stream on facebook.com/synthzone, you can listen to live audio on spreaker.com/show/synthzone and I can’t wait for the future man, I’ve seen it Fiber Optic Internet for $20 by the year 2030, just wait! By the way because of facebook’s copyright rules on their live streams, the recording might be taken down but don’t worry we will upload clips if there’s a clip from the livestream you like us to upload let us know! If you guys are going to be in the Fresno area that’s Fresno California I’ll be heading to the Strummers club to check out Com Truise on Aug. 30, hope you guys can come out and hang! Now lets get into some more jamz here is Syntax feat. Droid Bishop with Bellatrix here on Synth Zone!

Break 4

AND THAT’S IT! I gotta head back to 1985 and get me some good dominos, and hey if they don’t deliver within 30mins my pizza is free! I’ve had a good streak this last few days with free food! Anyway I hope you enjoyed the show, make sure to like us at facebook.com/synthzone and keep in tabs on what we are doing and we’ll always keep you in the loop on what’s going on in the world of Synthwave! If you enjoy the podcast, the videos, the live streams, and want to help us feel free to head over to Patreon.com/synthzone and pledge a small amount every little bit helps so I don’t have to keep buying plutonium from terrorist every other week. I’ve searched everywhere for a Mr. Fusion and nowhere that exists, it sucks man! Anyway I will return in 2 weeks’ time, and I hope you guys have an awesome Sunday and an awesome week coming up! Finish your homework, don’t do drugs, take your wife to the expensive dinner place she’s been wanting to go to for months, take over the world! You can do anything when you set your mind to it, I should know I’m from the future! I’m you’re host with the most Rayzor aka mr. blast from the past and I’ll see you next time! Stay cool, stay awesome, stay lovable and most of all stay Retro! I’m gonna play you guys out with some Michael Jackson and some The northern Lights, See ya I’m out!


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