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1.0.1 comes with a huge number of quality of life improvements to the mod!

The installer script now has multiple options to choose from, including the ability to control the character bandwidth. This means you can choose to use as many as 127 parameter bytes for the mod, or as few as 43! It's still recommended to use at least 72 bytes for the mod, but the choice is yours now!

Along with this change is a huge increase in how much text the messagebox can display. Instead of 63 characters, you can now display a message up to 144 characters long!

It also has the bonus of making most sentences easier to read since it now has more space to group whole words together.

If the boxes look different is size, that's because they now resize based on the size of text! There's a 3, 4, 5, and 6 line version the displays based on how big the message is.

But wait, there's more!

If you enable the option, the messagebox will show a loading bar while you're talking so people know you're about to say something! It's a huge quality of life improvement because now people don't just walk away before you can finish a sentence.

I also fixed a couple of bugs, but those are always boring.

Next on the list are emotes. An emote actually works on 1.0.1, but I plan on having a total of 24 emotes, as well as designing a system that will insert them into text. It's going to take some work, but I expect to have a fully working version before the end of the month.


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