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Here's the first part of a sexy questionnaire I recorded a week or two ago. I haven't recorded responses to the other questions yet, but this first part is already super long, so I figured might as well post it for you guys. If you enjoyed the audio I did last year called "The Sex Questionnaire", this is very similar in style! 

https://soundgasm.net/u/sassmastah77/The-Ultimate-Naughtiness-Questionnaire-Part-1 ***************************************************** 

To those special people who sent me incredibly touching msgs of support after my last post, I just want you to know how much your words meant to me. I am so overwhelmed by the kindness and empathy within each of you. Thank you for sharing your own experiences - it really does help to know I'm not alone in this. 💗 

A few of you even msg'd to say that you don't have any experience dealing with this kind of thing, but you still wanted me to know you care... and that really just blew me away. I know this kind of thing can seem baffling to anyone who hasn't experienced it personally, and I appreciate so much that you still felt compelled to send a positive msg of support. Thank you all for being so thoughtful and wonderful. 💕

 I still haven't decided what I'm going to do regarding going forward with this Patreon. Just know that if you would like a refund for Dec, I can issue that to you in January. I do have some audios already recorded that I still might post in 2016.... I also have some "SFW" butt pics I took one day when I was in a naughty mood (it's still sfw if I'm wearing panties, isn't it?) and a couple of NSFW vids. I've just been feeling like they weren't good enough. Like I could do better. And I probably could. But that doesn't make my initial attempts unsexy, I don't think? You may even enjoy watching my progression as I level up at taking sexy vids and pics. Practice makes perfect, right? Yeah I dunno. 

This msg has taken ions to write. Let's see what happens over the next few days. 💋



Information! My favorite :D And yes, watching a progression is amazing fun, so post everything and let us sort it out