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Dear Patient Patrons, It is I, your sassiest of all mastahs, checking in to say: Don't give up on me!!! You may have not realized that's it's been a couple weeks since you last heard from me, or you may have been huffing & puffing with slowly building frustration each day as you await a new audio, finger angrily hovering over the "delete pledge" button. Some people even hit the delete pledge button. Understandably so. No one wants to pay for something and get nothing in return. That's called a donation. My Patreon is not a donation. I appreciate those of you who are generous enough to treat it as such, but I personally do not see my Patreon page as a "tip jar". To me, your patronage is payment for services that I will render. Audios, pictures, videos, orgasms. It's a system I quite like. And it's a system I think we all really enjoyed for the first few months. 

So what is up with the last few weeks, you must be wondering? Life. I've had to go back to working full-time, to help out a former co-worker who is on sick leave. She was desperate to find someone she could trust to take over for her while she is away, and my heart goes out to her - so I couldn't say no. But this particular job is demanding and draining to the max. I'm up at 6 am each day, and I often don't get home until 7:30-8 pm. Once I'm home, I'm exhausted and I collapse. Well, I strip, change into pjs, have dinner, and then crawl into bed, fast asleep by 10 pm. I'm not saying this isn't what everyone in the entire world has to deal with - I know it is! - but that kind of work schedule isn't all that conducive with recording and posting sexy audios on a regular basis. When I started this Patreon, I was working from home, and only part time. So this balancing of both was not the original plan. 

Yesterday was my first day off since I started working again, and I spent the day recording/editing. I'd hoped to get some stuff posted last night, but again was in bed fast asleep by 10 pm. And today is already lined up with family commitments (visiting my grandmother in the hospital - which is where I am right now - I'm writing this as she is napping - babysitting my nephew, seeing my mom, and grocery shopping.) 

The only good thing about today is that I'M GETTING A NEW IPHONE!!! I've been using an iPhone 4 for a looooong-ass time, but couldn't afford to upgrade. Well these past few weeks of working overtime mean I can splurge a bit, and I'm getting a new iPhone 6S! Yeah yeah I know it's not the 7, but I like having headphone jacks. A new phone is going to be AWESOME for you guys because that means better pics, better gifs, better vids, and better audios! I've heard that the mic on the new iPhones is amazing. It's so much easier to record on a phone than my Tascam recording device. I just press record, I can listen to the recorded audio immediately from my phone, and I can upload it right away from my phone. Super easy!!! So I am really, really looking forward to this - and you should too :) 

Wow I've been rambling for quite some time. I should really wrap this up. Here are the most important things I wanted to say that are relevant to you and your patronage: 

1) This working full time/overtime thing is temporary. I don't know how much longer I will be needed, but it is NOT permanent. I will soon be able to get back to spending much of my time recording slutty filthy dirty sexy audios for you. THANK GOODNESS. 

2) If you are considering deleting your pledge, I really recommend you wait until the last day of the month to do so. It's silly to delete before that. You aren't charged again until Dec 1st, and I will be posting a ton of stuff between now and the 1st. If you delete your pledge before the end of the month, you'll miss out on all those new goodies, which you've technically already paid for. That would be a real shame. A bunch of people have already done that, and I can't help but think they will be kicking themselves when/if they realize. Don't let that happen to you. Stick around and see what's in store before the 1st. 

3) I do plan on making up for lost time. How? By posting the same number of audios I would have posted this month before the end of the month is through. That means there will be a lot of posts in the near future. The audios are already recorded. That isn't the problem. I just need the time to listen/edit/title/tag/write descriptions/post each of them. This week Patreon actually introduced a new feature which will allow me to schedule the release of new posts ahead of time. I'm really looking forward to trying that out. I will be able to type up a whole schwack of posts on one day, and then schedule a staggered release of each post so I don't overwhelm you with a ton at once! I think it will be really really great (if it works as described of course haha) 

4) Specialty Rewards: For those of you who are in the $30 and up tier, your rewards are coming. Some of those rewards are ready and I just need to upload + send them. Some of them still need to be created. And for the skype calls, I will be msging those of you who I haven't spoken to yet to schedule those ASAP. Bottom line is this: if you don't get your rewards and you are pissed off and done with me, um wow okay that would really suck but I would totally refund your money. SEE #5 for more on this. 

5) If I don't deliver on stuff and you've lost your patience or don't want to give me the chance to make it worth your while, I can always refund your pledge. Just talk to me, k? I am not an unreasonable person. I want you to be happy and satisfied that you've gotten your money worth from me (and your orgasms worth too heh heh ;) 

6) Msgs. At this point you need to know that your msgs are the highlight of my day. Sometimes I only have a minute to check my Sass email in the middle of a crazy day, and when there is a msg waiting for me from one of you that tells me I am sexy and I've made you cum hard, it completely changes my mood from 'stressed to the max' to 'elated and content'. And then I spend the next few hours thinking back to that positive msg every time my stress level goes up again. So even if you haven't heard back from me, please know your words do matter. Right now they matter more than ever. 


<3 Sass



Glad to hear you are back! Was beginning to get worried. You are definitely worth the wait because there is no one else like you Sass!

Silver Star

Hi Sweetheart. Thanks for letting us know that you are OK. While we all really get off on your form of art (if we didn't, we wouldn't be here), most of us really do care about the person behind the curtain... the imaginative, sexy woman that has created this character, Sass, and indulges us our fantasies. For me, my patronage is more about showing appreciation for the talented way that you stroke my desires. Life takes us on a journey that we can never predict. I feel fortunate that yours has intersected with mine. I'll be here when you return, hun. Hope your grandmother is getting well...


Ahhhh you are amazing. I guess I don't expect most people to have this point of view, so I am beyond grateful and appreciative Silver Star. I'm not sure how to say this without sounding cheesy, but... this msg made my heart soar. I feel so lucky and thankful. My grandmother finally got to go home from the hospital today! She is doing much better and thrilled to be home. Thank you for caring. It makes it even hotter to know that the same guy who wrote to me about a past freeuse type relationship is also so kind. My dream man is a pervert with a heart of gold, just like you heh heh ;)


I will do my best to not disappear like that on you again! You make being here so worthwhile. Mwah!