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Boy, can I ever ramble! Jeepers...  -_-

I felt bad when I realized it's been just over a week since I posted here. I really want to be as open and transparent with you guys (my patrons) as humanly possible - so I recorded an extremely long-winded audio update on why I haven't posted in over a week. Huzzah!

If you want to continue to think of me as a magical nympho aural goddess who is always a cheerful beam of joy and ecstasy, la la la la la... you may want to skip this one. 

If you don't mind acknowledging that I am a real person with real life baggage and real life shit to work through, please do come along and listen as I fill you in on what's happening in my life right now. I also update you on stuff I've recorded/what's coming up, talk to you about replying to msgs/feedback, and probably much more that I can't possibly remember now because this thing is over an hour long man! 


Sexy Sass will be back soon. I promise. 



Sass behind the scenes?! My favorite! Can't wait to listen to this one


You'll always be our magical nympho and aural goddess who is always a cheerful beam of joy and ecstasy no matter how much the real world tries to intrude! Thank you for who you are and all that you do!


Ahhhh pookie, you fill me up with warm fuzzies every time! And maybe someday sperm too.... mmmm