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I want to do something special and personalized for those of you who are supporting me this early on in my patreon endeavour - so I've come up with (what I hope is) a pretty awesome custom reward option for this month only. 

Any patrons who pledge $50 or more during the month of September will receive a CUSTOM PHOTO SET, which I will take individually for each of you. This will be completely personalized because I'm going to write your name on my body (or a dirty term of endearment of your choice) using marker, and take pics of myself, marked as yours. For example, if your name is Ray, and you want me to write "Ray's Cumslut" on my cleavage/tits, I will - and I will take lots of pics showing it off for you. 

This reward will be given out after September's pledges are processed on October 1st. I do not foresee being able to do something like this again. There is a small enough amount of you right now that I can manage doing something like this. If you want to upgrade to a higher reward tier for this month only just to get this reward, that's totally cool with me :)  I appreciate any and all support from each and every one of you. 

If you have any questions about this special one-time only reward, please comment here or send me a msg!

TL;DR? If you pledge $50 or more between Sept 1st and Sept 30th, you'll receive a personalized custom photo set with your name written on my nsfw body! Rewards will be distributed after October 5th. 



To say I'm excited would be an understatement!


*searches for retroactive pledge button*