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This was meant to be a quick jaunt down memory lane about being naughty in public. I started recording it with the idea of it being a "letter to an ex-boyfriend", with you (the listener) meant to be the ex-bf. Obviously the concept doesn't really work that well, which is why I didn't post it. But the stuff I ramble about is still good :)

I recorded this nearly a year ago, shortly after I found GWA. I talk about how I got to GWA, why libraries make me instantly horny, sex in public (baseball diamond!), and surprising my ex in lingerie & having sex in a library.

I probably should have written down what I planned on saying, but you know me... I'm a ramblewhore. If you listen to the entire thing... wow. Here's the link:


For reference:



Library's are definitely just the sexiest! All those corners and passages and study areas, having to be quiet, lots of books about lots of things! Almost as much of a turn on as the ice cream section! Also, I should definitely not have looked at the fishnet body suit while at the office!


I probably shouldn't have worn the fishnet bodysuit under my coat when visiting my (now)-ex at his work x-mas party, but we often do things we shouldn't, don't we... Did I mention it was crotchless? :p


Revisited this ramble today... please do more library scripts! 🤓 And if the link is still broken: <a href="https://soundgasm.net/u/sassmastah77/Library-fetish-Is-that-even-a-thing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundgasm.net/u/sassmastah77/Library-fetish-Is-that-even-a-thing</a>