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This is a sequel to "Sassmastah77 is a Filthy Fucking Whore" (https://redd.it/3rlofs). If you haven't heard that one yet, I do recommend listening to it first for context, but it isn't totally necessary because I'm going to sum it up right here:

There's this random guy who has sent me crazy long PMs detailing his thoughts on a bunch of my audios, and basically talking to me as if we're sexy besties. He has only done this twice. Both times, I followed his directions - but let's be clear. I did so because I wanted to. This guy does not own me. I'm not looking for a dom to tell me when I can cum. I can cum when I want to cum. And I do. But once in a awhile, it's nice to let someone else take the driver's seat and lull me into a state of frenzied sluttiness, which is what this asshat's PMs seem to do. 

I do not condone his methodology as something to be attempted on a regular basis. Most girls would flip their lid if they received a random PM like this. But I am not most girls. I get turned on by every PM I receive. This one just so happens to be long enough for me to masturbate and orgasm while reading it. And lucky you: I recorded myself doing it (and talking to you throughout, so it's super meta). 

I recorded this audio several months ago, so the audios of mine that this guy references are from like 4 to 8 months ago, but you've probably heard them.

I haven't decided if I will post this eventually to reddit or not. The 1st audio of this resulted in a massive influx of naughty PMs, which I LOVED, but back then, I had more time to respond to all of those PMs. I hate to think that someone might get the idea in their head that they did something to offend me just because I haven't had a chance to respond to their PM yet. Zero PMs offend me. I love them all. I am a needy, greedy slut, and I can't get enough. But posting this particular sequel may result in spreading myself a bit too thin, and not having enough time to respond to everyone (which to be honest, is already happening). I want to be able to give as much as I get. So that's why I'm reluctant about posting this. 

For now, it is here for my incredible Patrons to enjoy. Everything I say in this recording is 100% true. Thank you for listening, and I hope you cum. 




Goofy Sass raw & unedited... clearly loads of fun!