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I’ve tried to write this post hundreds of times (or at least that’s what it feels like.) Let me first start by reassuring you that this is not a goodbye post. It’s more of a “hiiiiiii” post, actually.

I guess I’ve been struggling to find a non-awkward, non-run-on sentence way to say:

“Uhhhh hey guys… soooooo I really wanna come back, but I don’t know how... because so much time has passed by, and I feel really terrible about being incommunicado with you, when you have done nothing but support me, and yeah I have so much guilt about the whole sitch that it’s paralyzing me into doing nothing to remedy it, even though I know you are prolly going to be kind and understanding and hopefully happy that I am back.” 

There. That’s the gist of it, isn’t it. Okay yeah. Maybe I’ve been overthinking it. I tend to do that.

I miss you guys. I miss posting, and I miss creating, and I miss interacting with you wonderful human beings. And most of all, I miss making you cum. I really like doing that! It’s my raison d’etre (my reason for being!) Man, I wish I knew how to change to a french keyboard on my comp to add that lil pointy accent over the e!

An Explanation?

The next part I struggle with is... balancing my innate desire to share everything about myself and my life, with the fear of oversharing being unnecessary and unsexy, as well as a need to protect my privacy. So basically I want to tell you where I’ve been and why I’ve been gone, but I get stuck when trying to decide how much to fill you in on. 

Maybe for right now, I can just stick to the basics (posting my new content and making you cum!), and perhaps I will get more personal and detailed in later posts?  

The Current Status of Sass

What I need you to know is that I am okay. I am happy. I am also sad. I’m in a good place in my life in some aspects, while also being in an awful place in other aspects. That’s life.

I am still horny all the time. And most importantly, I am still motivated by the desire to explore my sexuality and to make my listeners feel good. 

I am not burned out on creating or recording audios. I know that can happen to a lot of creators after awhile, but that isn’t why I’ve been away. If anything, I have more ideas than ever before. My list of audio ideas and scripts I want to record keeps growing, and I seem to only get dirtier as time goes on! I have tons of new audios to post! Dozens of them!!!!

I just need to figure out how to deal with playing catch up, while putting out new content and interacting with everyone about the new stuff. That’s the part that causes me to freeze up. Because I know realistically, there is no way to ever really catch up. While I was away, I was full-on gone. That meant no responding to any comments, msgs on reddit or patreon, or even email. I didn’t ghost you personally. I ghosted everyone. I went full-on ghost mode. And now… yeah, I regret that. It would be a heck of a lot easier for me to come back and dive right into the swing of things if I had been responding to msgs even when I wasn’t posting. My “all-or-nothing” mindset can be crippling. I know I need to work on it :/

So I’m going to do my best. That’s all I can do. New content and comments will likely get responded to first, if only to prevent falling even more behind. It’s the only way, I’m afraid. 

If you have ever written to me or write to me in the future, please know that I read it. I appreciate it. I appreciate you. Hearing from my listeners is why I do this. It’s the very best part. And you can always check in with me again if need be! Please do! I know I ask for your patience quite frequently, but I hope the orgasms balance that out. 

For those incredible patrons who never gave up hope and continued to support me:

The one thing that has ironically kept me from coming back the most, is trying to figure out how to make it up to those of you who have stuck around in my absence. Some might say I don’t “owe” my listeners anything. An explanation, content, anything. But when it comes to my Patreon patrons, I do. I owe my patrons everything. Those who have continued to support me even without any new content coming in… I need you to know that your contributions have made a vital difference in my life. The difference between able to pay my rent and being homeless. That kind of difference. That sounds a bit dramatic, but I want to make it clear that my patrons aren’t just giving me extra money to buy extra crap with or something like that. What I take in from Patreon isn’t just frivolous ‘spending money’ for me. It has either been used for shelter or food or bills. Things that are basic and vital to my existence. Last year I left my job to become my grandmother’s caregiver, and while the government does provide some financial assistance with that, it isn’t enough to cover basic physiological needs. Those of you who continued to support my patreon have made a true difference in my life. For that, I am eternally grateful.  THANK YOU. SO MUCH. I will do everything I can to make it up to you and prove my worth with my filthy mind!!  

And to everyone else - past patrons, casual listeners, and anyone who reached out in my absence:

Thank you for your kindness. Those of you who checked in on me… thank you for caring about a slutty, messed up stranger on the internet. My faith in humanity is uplifted each time I think about the words of support and empathy that came in after my last vulnerable post. I am so grateful to have found this dirty corner of the internet, filled with amazingly caring perverts. Now sit back, and let me make you feel as good as you made me feel! :)


It is soooo friggin tempting to just release a whole new schwack of audios at once, like bing bang boom cumsplosion time!! But I’m not going to do that, because I want you to have time to savour each audio individually. If you’re curious as to what I’ve already got recorded for you to enjoy in the near future, here are some yummy tidbits:

  • an utterly filthy (legal) teen blowjob audio
  • a hot, nurturing big sis homersoc audio
  • an epic milf bbc custom audio 
  • a sweet ‘n’ sexy british mommy script
  • a desperate mommy-themed ramblewhore
  • a sharing your girlfriend/hotwife type audio 
  • a cute succubus script that’s been done a bunch of times so why not 
  • cheerleader!
  • crazy nudist daughter! 
  • bimbo barbie!

And sooooo much more. 

Let’s doooooo thiiiiiiis!!!



OMG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswOcb7pn6g


I might be late to the party but welcome back Sass