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I know with great power comes great responsibility... but just once, can't it also come with great sex?

Audio: https://soundgasm.net/u/sassmastah77/F4M-The-Sextacular-Spider-Girl-superheroine-theme-song-parody-stripping-for-a-civilian-mask-stays-on-sucking-you-upside-down-wet-pussy-sounds-sex-in-a-suspended-silk-spideyweb-creampie-26-mins-script-by-the-brilliant-uhomersoc_

Script: https://pastebin.com/D7v0UqnR

Ahhhh this was so much fun!!! Rule 34 stuff is soooo hot, and I’m a Marvel girl through and through, so recording this was a major thrill for me :)

The opening scene of this spectacular script by Homersoc features May Parker, reflecting upon the very real struggles that occur when maintaining a dual identity. When recording it, I was struck by how similarly it can feel to be someone who records erotic audios, when no one in your real life knows anything about it. My Sass identity is very much a secret, and it can feel like a difficult balance sometimes. But it also feels so good to get to BE Sass. It isn't a persona for me, so much as it's another aspect of my true self. And just like Spider-Girl, I feel so much sexier as Sass. 

Thank you again to Homersoc for writing such an amazing script - it was an honour and a dream come true to portray one of my favourite superhero(ine)s! 

And special thanks to /u/rubber_foal for adding those awesome Spidey flying and spinnerets soundfx!  <3



Loved this audio, Sass! Your work is phenomenal as always. 💗


This was soooo good 🤤