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So this audio was not technically designed as something you would typically fap to, however I am secretly hoping some of you delightful pervs will prove me wrong... 😋 

It does consist of me talking about sex for over an hour, and I think sometimes you can practically hear me drooling over the thought of doing some of the things I talk about, so hey, maybe it is fappable after all? 

Or it might just be a fun distraction to listen to at work, or on your commute to or from work/home, whenevs!


  • During this audio, I did not mention anything that was already arousing to me BEFORE I found GWA - so if I didn't talk about it, by no means does it mean I'm not into it. It actually more likely means I have ALWAYS been into it :) 
  • I briefly mention that I’ve gotten off to “some fucked up shit” - but I don’t clarify what that fucked up shit is. It ISN‘T any of the stuff that I talk about in this audio. Maybe some day I’ll tell you guys all about it, but not quite yet... pretty much just take how kinky you think I am, and multiply it by infinity. 
  • And lastly, since I talk about dick pics for quiiiite awhile during this audio, I feel the need to add the following dick pic disclaimer: 
  • If you send me a dick pic and I don't respond, please don't think I didn't like it. I did. Ohhhhh I did. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen a dick I didn't want to lick! *insert obscene leery grin here* I just suck at keeping up with PMs. That's literally all it is. So please, only send me a pic of your dick if you aren't going to be emotionally scarred by not hearing back from me. If you can be secure in the knowledge that receiving a pic of your dick made my pussy wet, and later on likely spawned a girly fap sesh for me, by all means, go for it! 💦👅 




Ramble Sass is so much fun to hear, and it felt intimate too. :)


[01:19] “...my path of perversion i guess??” 😅 Hmm, this is going to be quite the morning commute!