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Hi. I suck. 

Alrighty then, that's established and out of the way... 

I'm trying not to overthink this post. It was really tempting to just throw some new audios up here and not say a word about my absence, but y'all know I don't roll like that. I will *attempt* to keep this post brief (ha!) 

I feel like this is a town meeting. Can someone call it into order? Thank you. 

Okay first order of business: 

This post is will be made public for a short time, and then I'm going to lock this puppy down - that way any former patrons, or anyone I've hurt in some way - can listen to me whimper about being an empath (which probably isn't really a thing) and bemoan my inability to function on a very basic level. 

I honestly cannot bring myself to listen to this audio, so if it is unbearable, I really am sorry. I just know if I listen to it, I won't post. I'm not really sure what I said in this exactly, but I do recall being on the verge of tears at some points. Really fun stuff. So you probably only want to listen to it if I still owe you content (since I address that), or you're unhappy with me somehow. Join the club. I'm the prez. 

The audio for this post has been removed. 


Arsene Lupin

Jesus Christ, Sass, we're still paying. We could leave at any time. You don't owe the whole campaign an apology of this magnitude. Relax.


So it's been over 24ish hrs of hanging tight. And this GPS is concerned that the overwhelming mountain has once again shut down this awesome girl we call Sass. As a specialist in turn-by-turn navigation, I'm always picking out those fun one-liners in your scripts. This ramble update was quite a doozy! Had to give it more than one listen to organize my thoughts. Since this is a Town Hall, I can break comment tradition and post a lengthy reply right?? Always refrained from writing in, but after this audio I felt it was time to show my support! There was an article on The Verge this morning on Patreon women, and there was one line that stood out: "...there's a finite amount of energy you can give to fans paying for your attention." It was really nice to see Eve's shoutout in the comments- patrons are definitely a different community compared to the reddit crowd. The love, loyalty, and support on here is truly awesome. "NEW AUDIOS... DIVERSION!!" "that’s what you guys want anyways..." All I ever wanted was a regular taste of Sass whether it was a quick ramble update, photo, or unreleased audio. In the article I noted, and other crowdfunding campaigns (YouTube, Twitch, etc), the tiers change regularly to allow the performer to reasonably interact & engage with her fans, given the time she is available online. "i'll be revamping the rewards system soon..." I think that each patron pledge / support carries a different set of expectations. Have you considered polling the community to see how they rank certain forms of content / interaction? It might allow you to introduce more bite-sized content & have more time outside the audio world. 200 word PenPal tier maybe? With the 2 year mark coming up, I hope there will be a refresh to your landing page- more about you, your free time, and what patrons can expect to receive at the lower 'support' tiers vs. higher 'reward' tiers. Your subreddit has a pinned post laying things out, maybe a similar one can exist here! "they're all just swirling around in there..." "there's just so many...[pause][sighs]" I guess it's time to address the elephant in the room? It's amazing that you take so much time & care in responding to the mail you receive. But I feel that prolonging these responses will be like responding to a text message too late- the passion/moment has passed, and a response, while appreciated, may no longer be as impactful. I cannot begin to imagine the overwhelming long list of letters that you have personally committed to respond to. "...not enough of me to go around" "pulled in a million directions..." Even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point! I am always humbled when you post a Sass life update (and relieved that you haven't been kidnapped)! I'm not familiar with the overlap between the patrons and the rest of your waiting fanbase, but I hope you can share this candid audio with them and the blanket apology for your absence. "defense mechanism [...] shut down completely..." "...overwhelmed like that" I think this is the line that drives home the root of your struggle, and how you're torn between the past (fan mail to be answered) and the future (new audios to be posted). My unqualified advice: apologize to your fan mail profusely and lay out the boundaries- that you only have 1-2? hours daily to check your PM's, that you can only send out 2-3 replies a day (capped at X word count for consistency), and the workload is comparable to performing on an open mic every evening... on top of a full-time day job! Your time & energy are finite, and I hope that you cut through this enormous mountain, instead of trying to climb to the peak. "I'm selfish too because I want it both ways..." I know you mentioned on a few occasions that you can't give simple written responses - rambles are part of your unique personality. This may be an unpopular opinion, but your candid updates have me seeing you lean as a private therapist first, and a performer second. It's disheartening to hear that 'the list' is unknowingly keeping you frozen and trapped. "I have lots of stuff to post..." If I had a chance to respond to your nauseating list of outstanding messages, I would ask them to honestly consider their needs, versus the community that has been waiting patiently awaiting your return: [hey I suck for not responding back when you needed me, and im about to duck out again to record. But if you still had 1 outstanding thing to ask me, can you write me asap? I only have 77 word responses so please be brief!!] "Okay bye for now guys." Patreon is made of creators who love their fans, and creators whose fans love them back. I sincerely hope you are able to move past this fork in the road. I can’t speak for all the patrons, but I’ll definitely be here when you dial in your final destination.


You are wonderful. Thank you for this Tom. So much to absorb, but for now, I just wanted to send my appreciation to you, and to all of you who have offered kind words of support. As grateful as I am, I must admit that hindsight is 20/20, and I realize now that I should not have posted this audio. Not prior to posting new content. I should have gone with my initial instinct and posted new stuff first. You are correct that the overwhelming mountain has once again shut things down. After I posted this, I received a lot of lovely msgs. I know everyone meant well... but some of the msgs I received were also heavily interlaced with to-do lists, personal requests, instructions on how I can do better, and guilt. So much guilt. I know it wasn't intentional, but some of the msgs made me feel so much worse :/ The handful of people I needed to hear this audio did listen to it, for the most part. Most of them contacted me after listening to it. Most of them felt the need to reiterate that they "know they aren't important to me". That misses the point entirely. If we have interacted personally before, and you think you don't matter to me, you are wrong. This audio is not about responding to basic comments or even PMs. The people I was talking about needing to get back to are the ones I've established a personal relationship with - some prior to patreon, some via patreon. They're the ones I still owe higher tier rewards to. They're the ones who have sent me long, heartfelt msgs and have opened up to me and made themselves vulnerable, only to feel let down and hurt by my silence. That's who I was speaking to in this audio. The other reason I have been MIA this week is because my sister has fallen ill and I've needed to step in to help with my almost 1-yr old nephew. She was taken to the hospital today, after the medication she was given on Monday failed to fight the infection. She is now home, but on an IV for the next four days. Taking care of my nephew is so much more exhausting than I ever realized. I've babysat him many times before, but not for more than a few hours at a time. After 10 hrs straight with him, I was fall-on-my-face dead tired. He's almost walking now and he tries to get into EVERYTHING. I had to pry my sister's high heeled shoe out of his hands because he grabbed it and immediacy put the high heel in his mouth. Blech! He's lucky he's so darn cute... Anyway thank you again for giving this so much thought and insight - there is much for me to mull over (in a good way). I feel so lucky to have all of your support, and I will do everything in my power to remind you all of why you became patrons in the very near future! ❤️ Ps. I will be removing this audio once I start posting again, so if for some bizarre reason this is something you want to listen to again in the future, please download it before I delete it from soundgasm.