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We know due to weather and health, We still owe you guys DIY #6, but when Amanda is in town and she says she wants to do a DIY episode. You don't wait around. So time to put your creative hats on and write her a FML by March 5th. 


FML DIY Contest #7 Announcement with Amanda

You can write Amanda an episode of FML two ways. Enter the contest. Or commission us to make it. If you wish to commission us, email us your idea to NotebookMovies@gmail.com with the subject FML COMMISSION. We're pleased to announce the next FML DIY contest #7 is starring fan favorite, Amanda! You guys and Gals have the opportunity to write a FML episode starring Amanda. It can be anything you want it to be!! Just please follow the guidelines and rules below and remember....It has to be able to play on YouTube or at least on Patreon. DEADLINE is 03-05-2021 OFFICIAL RULES: TO ENTER: Write a FML story in the comments of THIS VIDEO. ONLY stories written in the comments of THIS video on YouTube or Patreon will count toward the contest. If you have previously submitted an idea, it cannot be counted here. Submissions can be scripts, narrations, descriptions, we don't care. Just make it clear what the idea is and we can script it how we see fit. DEADLINE: March 5th 2021 JUDGING: We will choose the top 3 (if there is that many) in an upcoming video where we will read ALL of the stories submitted. Each submission will be judged on its Creativity. Humor. AND FILMABILITY. That's our term for within our means. AUDIENCE VOTE: Once the top 3 are selected, we will make a poll on YouTube and Patreon and let the fans decide which episode she has to do. If you vote on Patreon, your vote counts as 2. WINNING EPISODE: The winner of the contest will have their episode made starring Alyssa. IF the episode that wins is NOT YouTube friendly, it may be only aired on Patreon. Possibly with a censored version on YouTube. The winning episode will still be shot as per the standards of FML. So, please do not ask for it to be uncensored. However, please do be creative. let your imagination run wild. Just remember, if its too wild for YouTube, you will have to watch it on Patreon. Winner will receive credit for the episode as their YouTube or Patreon name. There is no cash value of this prize, but we are setting the value at $200 to $300 for that's what we've been getting for commissions lately. So please be creative, and good luck to all of you! We are really excited to offer this and if successful we may do more with different FML girls. We have several already saying they are willing. Have fun and please keep the comments civil. LEGAL: All submissions become property of Notebook Entertainment and could mimic an idea we have already done, in production or have written. The final video will remain Notebook Entertainment property, but you will forever be credited as its creator. Winning video may not be produced as written. Notebook Entertainment holds the right to edit, change, and even punch up the comedy in your winning submission. FML is 90% improv, so remember, a script is only a guideline for us. to support us on patreon go to http://www.patreon.com/notebookmovies



Amanda is getting ready to surprise her significant other and has put on a skimpy thong and a lacy bra. She reaches for a hair product and accidentally grabs Gorilla Glue! Suddenly both of her hands are stuck to her head. She calls out the window for help and luckily the girl next door comes running over. Upon hearing the details the neighbor insists that they get to the hospital right away before the glue sets and becomes permanent. The neighbor grabs Amanda by the arm and pulls her out the door to the car barely dressed so that they can get to the emergency room.


Amanda can you please do a pooping video of you in the public girls room?


Amanda has just purchased a brand new g-string bikini online. When it arrives, she tries it on and it’s even skimpier than she had realized - she’s afraid she might pop right out of it! She wiggles a bit to test it. Then she wiggles more. So far so good. She starts jumping up and down, getting more and more enthusiastic, laughing and having fun with how ridiculous she’s being. Suddenly, just as she feared, her boob pops right out of her top! Laughing, she comments, “Thank goodness nobody was here to see tha...” And at that moment she realizes that she had left the blinds open and put on a show for her neighbors, who had been filming her the whole time.


Amanda buys a cute pair of light colored boy shorts that she buys to wear on a date. The date goes very well, but she has to poop during the date ( burrito barn) and she only has a few squares of toilet paper. The date goes well, but she is itchy though out the whole date. She is wants to go home and change, but ends up drinking too much and decides to stay over. The next morning she leaves then she realizes she is not wearing her panties and she left the skidmarked boyshorts at her dates place. The roommates also find the skidmarked panties....