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A heads up for you lovely people above anyone else! I'll be adding a new pledge level.

This will be a limited amount availability pledge. It will be $20 and it will give you access to the following:

Once a month you get to tell me what you want me to draw for you! Anything at all, with whatever characters! No limits, which of course includes no limits of the growth kind~

This drawing would be full colour with background, and you get to share it wherever you want.

To give you an idea, my usual full colour price is around 65-70GBP which is around 87-93USD.

You get to share the picture wherever and whenever you want, and I will post it here for all patrons as an exclusive official post, then post it to other social media 3 days later!

These will be limited to 3 people, so that's why i'm giving you guys the heads up! 

If you're an existing patron and you'd like to grab these, it just involves navigating to the pledge goals and changing to that amount. 

To give everyone a fair amount of time, i'll be adding the pledge goal at 19:00 GMT tomorrow, 15th of June. (That's just under 24 hours from this post being made, 23 hours and 37 minutes to be precise.


Silver Knight

Is it available for people who still do not have any reference to their characters?


For sure! It doesn't have to be your character, it can be anyone or any things character, copyright applying of course, if you want someone else's character and it isn't a popular icon (like fox or Pikachu) then you gotta get their permission. Otherwise, written descriptions will do, I can do ref sheets and the like

Silver Knight

Yay! It's my Character and the Character of my bf, so I Will need to give you a description of booth Characters, There is no problem in that.~ (If this Pledge is valid for a draw of 2 Characteres).


Do you want people to drop their pledge at the end of each month. Like you can only get 1 pic before needing to try again next month?


I hadn't considered circulating every month but I might do. The only issue that causes is people constantly changing their pledge amount every monthly.


It's highly likely if this goes well then I'll add more pledge goals for similar kind of pledges.