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Heya all. Hope you're doing good and managing to handle everything leading up to Christmas. I'm just about hanging on between my family being all over the place, and honestly I'm kinda looking forward to the New Year more than Christmas itself. I like the fresh start, even if it's a little bit of an illusion. It's about the psychology of it, really. I COULD make a list of December 8th Resolutions and just start working on them tomorrow rather than wait for the New Year to make all those big changes. I won't, but I could.

The chapter I've sent out today is a sequel to "The Obvious Choice" which is a Corrin/Camilla piece from last year. Was a lot of fun to come back to this one and add in some more characters that I hope everyone enjoys seeing. I know there's a horde of Corrin fans out there who love to see the guy get some attention. Maybe not in this Patreon specifically but believe me, I know from experience they're out there.

As for the monthly poll, I'm thinking of just repeating what we did last time and putting out a poll with a bunch of series on there, with the Semprini's Pick tucked at the bottom. As usual, it's all going to be multiple choice so go ahead and pick all of them if you like. Hopefully whatever you get out of it will be worth the read no matter who I'm writing about!