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Hey all! I got back from my holiday a few days ago, been catching up on what I've missed and been getting back into the swing of things. Hope you guys have been doing alright, didn't get up to too much trouble.

First things first, I've just sent out the story links to a new chapter of Me and My Shadow, the Persona story that's gonna be wrapping up with the next chapter. Hopefully can give that one a fitting conclusion when it comes around, been fond of this story for a while since I started writing it all the way back in 2021. Ahh those were simpler times. 

Secondly, though we're already coming up to the halfway point of the month I do still need to put together a monthly patron story. So I'll be putting the poll up after this post is finished. It's gonna basically be a collection of some of the more popular series, I'm not gonna go fancy with this one, not when November is chugging along so fast. Keep it simple and sexy, that's my motto. It should be at least.

I think that's about it for now. Gotta put my nose to the grindstone and get to some of these booked commissions. There are people on here who have been waiting for ages now, and I really do appreciate the patience people show in waiting for their commissions. Last month especially was particularly difficult for me, and I was definitely starting to feel my edges being frayed, so I'm glad to feel like my spark is back after my break. Time to get to work!



Good luck semp I'm rootin for ya!