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Happy July everyone. It's my birthday month so everyone has permission to skip work for the entire month to watch porn. Tell your boss Semprini says it's cool.

To start off with, here is a new story commissioned by one of my beautiful Patrons. Oh, but when shall I have the courage to admit I want to bone everyone of my Patrons? 



To follow THAT up, here in July there are two main things happening as part of my Patreon shake-up. First of all, on the 15th of July (or thereabouts) I will be posting a new poll to determine the series/game/characters of a new story. Anyone bidding $5 or more can message me a series/game/character that they want included in the poll! 

Also, tomorrow I will be drawing out a random $5 Patron and offering them a free 1000 word mini-story. So yeah, see ya'll tomorrow! Hope it isn't as frustratingly warm and sticky in YOUR bedroom like it is England. It is NOT as sexy as I make it sound, and I didn't even make it sound very sexy.  I know some of you were bidding $5 BEFORE I added the new tier, and I'm not gonna forget you guys.  You're included in the running and can send me a request whenever you like.


Kinky no Kyoukai

Woooooooh that's the good stuff! Looking forward to nabbing another one myself soon after that~


Very, VERY nice! I always love seeing 18 getting some love. I’m honestly considering requesting another commission sometime in the near future if/when they become available. Excellent work as always man, wonderfully sexy and full of that high energy that I’ve come to love from you.


Super happy with this and worth every penny. I've always been a big 18 fan and you not only captured basically exactly what I requested, but even what I sort had already pictured happening in my head.


Damn this story is good. I really need to commission you someday.