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Whats up, all. I've been working away, got about 6k words in, but I can feel myself starting to flag on this one. One of the reasons I've stopped commissions temporarily is so I can work on my own stuff, so I'm gonna pop this one on the backburner for a little bit so it doesn't get stale.

However, I do rather like what I've got so far so rather than push myself to finish it so I can shove it out on AO3 or the like, I'm gonna give it to you lovely Patrons.


I will very likely return to this at some point in the future but I've got ideas in my head for one a bit more story driven. I would LOVE to be able to write stuff like my Tharja piece more consistently, and I've got some neat ideas rolling around.


Kinky no Kyoukai

This is looking absolutely wonderful~


Not a huge fan of the characters, but the content and writing is as amazing as always


Oo this looks like its gonna be fun~