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Wow, sure is a lot of hub-bub around Patreon. Glad I jumped on when I did...

Anyways, I've completed that commission I was talking about before. It features the commissioners OC's, Naomi and Lucia. It also features some mild mind-control, but it's consensual and pretty much all part of the fun. You know I wouldn't be good at anything actual non-con, that ain't my thing.


I've been working on this for quite a while now, it was nice to get some experience writing for someone's own characters for a change. Now though, I think I'm going to chill out and enjoy writing my regular stuff for a little bit. Expect some good old fanfic smut to be coming your way soon. 

Oh, by the way, I've fully moved into my new job now. It's way closer to home and pays more than the last one, so that all worked out well! That's, like, an extra hour and a half a day to WRITE MORE PORN! YEAH!


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