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Hey all! Quick one today, I've just sent out the links to the monthly poll story that was updated before May and a new chapter of the Avatar/Naruto story that I just uploaded earlier. I very much hope you enjoy them! I'm particularly interested to see peoples reactions to the Raven story as that's a rare one without any actual proper sex in it, but I think it's still ended up coming out well as a teasing tsundere story.

As for me, May has started pretty slow. I'm currently visiting my brother for a bit so my workrate has gone down, and I've been pushing myself a bit lately anyway so I'm taking things a little slower than normal. But I've got plenty of stories to upload still while I chip away at my current comms!


Larkspurdiblock Anon

The Raven one was really solid; it's a departure from your usual formula, and I honestly think it's better for it. Man cannot live on bread alone, after all.