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Heyo all. I've just sent out some links to another Fire Emblem story, this one featuring some female Byleth and male Corrin action. Longtime readers know I have a lot to make up for to Corrin so I'm always glad to give him some action. This one is a first person POV story from the view of Byleth herself actually, so the tone of the story is hopefully something can jive with.

Regarding the monthly poll, I think I can basically call it in favour of Raven at this point, but the data is gonna be interesting to keep track of to see who would be a popular pick for another story. So far Tifa, Raikou and 2B are the most popular runners up which...yeah, can't really fault that trio. That's some prime Semprinicore right there. If you haven't voted yet, I'd love if you could take a minute to do so as I'm super curious about the overall results!


Jakob Stoon

I cant tell if the Corrin fandom loves you or views you as public enemy #1