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Not her favorite position but she takes it anyway _(:3」∠)_

Off to the next draw. Gonna have it ready by tomorrow then I'll be caught up. Ty all for your patience and support!

Also its been brought to my attention that lately my drawings seem to be super dark for some (I notice it now against a mega white backdrop of Patreon). Either my monitor is messed up or its because I switched to photoshop (in dark mode) OR a combo of both! I will try to adjust my settings and do a comparison and alter the brightness of these images then add them to the upcoming draw zip (tomorrow). But I just wanted to put them out for you today since they are technically done. Thank you!




Id say it looks good but I honestly can't tell what's going on lol. Id say try increasing the brightness just a few points :)

Ted Jones

You could get one of those Spyder Pro monitor calibration tools. That might help.

Jeremy Rowe

Yeah from what I can see it is gorgeous. But honestly even with max brightness settings on my phone and pc, I can't see a thing in certain portions of the image.


it is fairly dark, yeah


They've all been very dark recently, yes, but I just figured that was intentional. My computer is always on dark mode and it's still hard to see. Any suggestions (from you or others) on how to process this to make it visible? Just turning up the brightness/contrast doesn't look right.


Oh no dont worry about it I'm pretty sure its my settings too since I swapped monitors recently. There are images I intended to be dark but not this one. Its waaaaaay too dark. I'll be editing these images again and posting them in the next pack/set thats coming up. Hopefully my resent monitor adjustments fix this problem, I went through a lot of troubleshooting today and I'm pretty sure its way better now.