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Hey guys! It's been a bit rough but goodies are HERE! Thank you for being amazing and super supportive. Most of you know I've had a pretty big rough patch and while I'm still treading through it I'm making progress and I am feeling better a little at a time. Thanks for the amazing kind words/messages, I read them all and I felt really inspired and loved, which is nice //sob... Thank you. With that being said- here is the pack! This months pinup isn't so holiday-ish (sorry guys). But Sailor Mars is beautiful right? In the pack there are PSDs, Sketch page, some black and white sheeps, video and two alternative colors for Sailor Mars! Super neat. Oh, and keep an eye out for the pinup suggestion post for January!  

I really hope you guys enjoy what I put together for you. I can't wait to get back into my groove and produce some super cool sheep things. Also, I'm sorry for being absent, I really hope to be super active and more lively!




Looks awesome <3


This looks beautiful. Good to hear youre starting to feel better


Glad to hear you're feeling better. All these drawings look amazing


I'm glad you're feeling better! Your art is amazing!


Gorgeous. Mars is great. :D


Wow, great work, definitely getting back into things with a vengeance ;)


Your work is stunning as always!!