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Ok, so, I'll also be offering my 3D models here on Patreon once I get a 3D printer soon. BUT ALSO, might just offer the files here for those to print themselves as well. Of course there wont be a merchant tier right off the bat (merchant tier is where you can sell my sculpts YOU printed on your personal stores), but it will be looked into! 

Not sure how many people care for 3D stuff, but it'll be fun to add that kind of variety here on Patreon. 

Take care! 



That'd be pretty cool


Wait could we buy a printed model from you to send to us? Maybe on etsy or something


Hells to the yes!


I followed your twitch channel because of the Z brush sculpting. I’m glad to hear it’ll be made available her too


Best news I have read all week o_O


Yep! I will print out a few and post them for limited slots and ship them. But I will also give the options to buy/use the file for personal use for those who have a printer!


Woo!! More Shep creations! Exciting 😋!


Nice, I just got myself an Ender 3 Pro 10 days ago and thought of your art when thinking about cool things to print.


I would absolutely LOVE to be able to buy/use your 3d creations for printing and making wonderfully macabre statues to decorate my house with! :D


Oh wow! Timing is amazing I just got a 3d printer would be nice to have your work on my desk to inspire me to do better. Can't wait for all your 3d stuff to show up here too. Will make it easy to find -w-


If you're looking for distributors to print your work in other locations to save on shipping once I'm up and running I'd be okay with printing orders for your UK clients we can talk numbers later if it interests you

Jess W

I would love to print the animal crossing-ified version of host, if that's ever available.


Super excited for the 3D stuff!