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Hey everyone! Hope you had a wonderfully spooky month. 

Thanks for being super patient with this dumb sheep. This is my first time uploading actual content so I hope this is going to work out well enough. I figured I'd be simple and post the rar/zip with all the content inside so it'll be less crowded. We'll see how it goes! Anyway, here is zip file full of colored sheep replies, PSDs (for lines and color), a sketch video and of course the full colored Halloween sheep pinup! 

Thank you all for supporting. I learned a lot from this month and I'm looking forward to sharing more doodles, videos and all that jazz! 




Yay! Mine got answered~ :D Beautiful work as always, Sticky. ^^


Thanks so much! Everything looks great! ^^


Sexy weiner has replaced sexy corn in my heart


I was surprised to see my question anwered... poor Albi. She'll have to work harder to impress her Sticky-senpai next time. Keep up the awesome art, Sticky! P.S. "Gannon Cannon" is a thing between my friends and I now. Thanks. :Þ


Greatwork as always!


I cant open the file ):


Hi Gina! I'm sorry you're having trouble with the file. Have you ever opened a rar/zip file before? Are you familiar with rar files? Everyone else seems to be having luck. I'm away from my computer right now but I'll hop on tomorrow first thing and see about uploading through something else if the problem persists! I'm sorry for the wait.


Ah, I had to find a .rar opening app on my Windows App Store thing. ^_^ I have it now. Thank you for getting back to me so soon! I actually have a question I wanted to ask in private about the art, if I send an ask on tumblr will you be able to get it, just because I know you get a lot. ^_^


I am glad you figured it out! Awesome. You can actually send me private messages here on patreon if it makes it easier for you, or you can send via tumblr! Just be sure to mention you're the patron when sending me an ask on tumblr and I'll reply ASAP.


Looks beautiful, Sticky ^^ Love her little shoes.