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Well, tbh, I'm pretty nervous, but here goes! First, I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me in ANY way shape or form, not just financially. It means a lot to have been told my work is great and that people love what I do and that they are totally here for me and my content. Hearing those kinds of things can make any creator feel great and be able to keep going. So thank you for that. Now on to the news! 

My patreon is going to go backwards quite a bit. This may be disappointing to some, I know, and I'm really sorry if I have disappointed any of you because of this change. I have to go back and revert my Patreon to a simple "support/tip jar" kind of deal. The reason for that is because I'm starting some zbrush/3D work courses/schooling and when I finish these classes, I'll most likely be going to a school in LA. This is a HUGE deal to me and it's a BIG step in a direction I've always steered away from out of fear of not being good enough. It's going to need a lot of my time and dedication and if I want to be successful at it quickly, I need to concentrate and live it. Unfortunately, I cannot focus on school, real life events and keep up with Patreon content all at the same time. I wish I was a power house of a person who can do EVERYTHING. Trust me, those people exist and they are amazing and I envy them! But thats just not me. I take medications that exhausts me at times and it's a job to even stay awake on the 'bad days'.

I've dabbled in 3D work before. And I've always felt a sort of calling to the craft. I feel really at home when I work in 3D. I wish I would have perused it in the past but I can't look back now. All I can do is act and that's what I'm doing. My heart is totally into this, guys. I want to create amazing things for myself and for everyone. I want to create figures and content that's hardly touched on in 3D. I even want to do character concepts, etc. I just feel like my work and what's in my head translates better via 3D modeling than anything I could do 2D. And I want to at least TRY to master it and get something out of this feeling. I have to give it a shot even if that means sacrificing a great deal of money and time. I've had numerous professional 3D artists who've worked on games and in the industry reach out and tell me "You're so good for being so new!" along with many other uplifting conversations recently that it has ignited the urge to do more in 3D and hey, who knows, maybe this is where I should be. So, I hope everyone understands why I'm making this change. I have to at least try. Even if I fail or give up and continue doing what I know I can do- at least I TRIED.

And lastly, my Patreon isnt going to be completely dry. I will still post things here off and on. Maybe even 3D stuff. But it'll be when I can and what I choose. It'll all still be very exclusive to Patrons only. So, no worries there. These changes are effective as of NOW. I wanted to announce this before anymore charges can be made. Please feel free to retract your pledge if you wish, or stay! Changes to the page will be made in the morning (it's 2AM for me now). I owe a few people some drawings via Patreon and I'm making a list of these people and will be reaching out ASAP. OH! And Holiday prints will be shipped out in a few days!

Thank you all so much for sticking with me, encouraging me, keeping me busy and helping me enjoy creating art. I truly, SINCERELY, appreciate it. Please know that. I don't like to delve deep down into my personal life/issues and make them known to everyone, because I mean... who DOESNT have problems, right? And I never want to add to anybodies hard times. But just know that the people who enjoy my work, who chat with me, comment at me, support me in anyway have helped me through the toughest times (and most dont even know it). So, thank you for that.

I hope you're all not too disappointed and even if you are, I still love ya, and I understand. I'll still be posting doodles and shitposts via twitter, so I wont be TOTALLY gone while I'm studying. Thank you all again. It's really hard for me to close something like this, cause idk where to stop! Ugh! I'm so nervous!  

Well, thank you all so much for your attention and time. I appreciate you all <3 



I've got a goal to try 3D one day too!! Good luck and I hope you love it &lt;3 &lt;3


Please please PLEASE, do what you feel. If you have that urge, give it your BEST shot. Thank you so much, and I wish you luck on your journey &lt;3


That is really awesome news! Good luck with your studies!


I'm honestly really happy you're doing this. You gotta follow your heart! It'll be great! And I'll keep supporting you here for as long as I can. 😄


I've followed you from tumblr, I've supported from the start on patreon (even though with just a little bit), so I don't see why I should suddenly retract my pledge. I love your work, and if I get to watch you expand your craft, all the better! *grabs the cheerleader pom poms* Go Shep Go!


Please go, do your best and perhaps most importantly, have fun!


You’ve got this, Shep! Go kick ass, and I can’t wait to see your 3D work start rolling in! :D


You can do this! I am one of your patrons because I want to help you support your art, and if you want to branch out into any sort of medium I am excited to see where it takes you! I doubt I am alone in saying this but, We are gonna be here no matter what, and we're all rooting for you!


Your 3d stuff has been really cool so far, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do going forward.


Good luck Shep, follow your heart! I won't stop supporting you, I'm sure many won't. I will even try to give more when i can, you rock &lt;3


Dude that's awesome! Best of luck you got this!

Michael Hawk

pursue your dream, i enjoy your work and want to enable you to do it as long as i can, i will support you luv &lt;3


lmao dumbo we're here because we like you and your art, if you say you're going to school to improve your art, and pursue your passion of course we'll support you. We all came here to support a creator wether they're drawing 24/7 or in school. So don't stress and go.


Just to echo some of what has already been said, I feel that supporting you has been, and still is an honor, never for the stuff. (Great stuff it was) The world needs more art that expresses the raw sensuality and bizarre, like you have been creating. If it had more artists like you, it would be a much better place to live in. If anything knowing that you are furthering your education only makes me want to increase my support. I’m glad to see you are exploring this new direction. I wish I had half your skill for magical lines. Best of luck and you have my continued support.


You gotta do you, that's super important. As a 3d guy I get super excited when artists go 3d, the work is always wonderful, and yours so far has been no exception. I know you'll do great, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

John Sloss

I'm happy for you shep! Do what you need to do for yourself, can't wait to see how far you go with it! And congrats for getting past your fears to do it!


You go girl


You do what is best for you :]


Woah, I just got here, but I'm glad you're going for more 3d stuff! When I discovered zbrush and 3d it was pretty life-changing for me, so I can feel ya on the sentiment! I think great things are ahead for you!


You do what you need to do for yourself, Shep. The rest will fall into place. Hope you have a happy new year. &lt;3


I've said it before but I am one of your many patrons because I want to support all that you are and all that you do. I don't give you money every month with an expectation to get something in return, it's my way of saying "Please keep doing whatever you want to do, please keep being the amazing wonderful soul that you are". So you don't have to do anything and I (and I'm sure many others) will continue to be your patron. If you want to go and do something? You go do it and give it all you've got. I want you to be happy, I want you to be healthy, I want you to be fulfilled. I want you to not have to worry about money and I want you to try everything you want to try. Honestly, my only regret is that I can't sponsor you more.


You were clearly a natural when you started taking up sculpting, so I say go for it! We'll be here every step of the way.


shep take my money just to take it. ya deserve the love and support ya get. i just hope i can still ascess old posts and links from before the change since i just joined the patreon\


Agreed! Please just take my money. It's a joy to see your art whenever it comes out, and I just want to support whatever you're doing, whether we get to see all of it or not