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I am so very sorry everyone I am basically a WEEK late with the two pinups. They are on the way, promise. Had a lot surprises happen the past 5 weeks and I'm so tired. I had E.coli and wasn't aware until it was pretty out there. I thought it was the flu and missed Halloween and everything. Was pretty much up and down from my computer constantly with the nausea (and I wont go into TMI) but man, it got bad. I am STILL in recovery but I am super better and the nausea is basically gone, all that's left is cramps and some discomfort. I also adopted a small bearded dragon (Lemon) who ended up having serious MBD and I've been treating him with vet visits every other day. AND family decided to visit, I wasn't able to completely socialize (I didnt want anyone to get sick, tho its pretty hard to), but my fam wanted me around anyway. I've had it pretty damn rough but I feel like it's all slowing down and I'm finally catching up. I chipped away at the patreon pinups while sick, etc- so I just need to color. They are on the way! Thank you all so much for the support and patience, I'm truly lucky to have people like you around, especially when its been rough. 

Images should be up by tomorrow~!!



Take your time my dude, there's no rush


Yeah, no rush, get/stay healthy!


Your work is amazing, and you should take as much time as you need. Art is crazy taxing to create, especially when your health / health of family and pets is not well. Take it easy and rest as much as you need. my patreon dollars arent going to go away :3 !!


Hope you feel better soon Shep, and the poor little lizard you got gets well too.


These things happen, don't feel bad,just release content at your own pace, as your schedule allows, always glad to see more sheep art :)


No worries. Take care of yourself and get rest first, we'll be here when you get back. :)


Just get yourself sorted out first, we prefer you healthy and happy ;)


Happy to hear you're feeling better! Take care of yourself and little Lemon. :)


holy smokes I can't believe you guys know each other!


Get better soon! E. Coli can be pretty serious! Let us know if we can help somehow