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Christian Krohn

I love the subtly in the facial details. The freckles are a nice touch, along with the shape of the smirk. Once again, you've done a great job telling a story without writing one. It's always exciting seeing what the picture might be after reading the title~ Keep up the amazing work and enjoy some time for relaxing!


Lucky man 🥺

Biggest J

I wish she would fart in this, great work as always


This is so good!

John Bernard

I wish I got to be in that scenario except w farts 😁, how lucky


Hah what is that face she is making xD


Perfect posture of this beautiful red-haired girl with green eyes and that perversely mischievous look, which reminds me of my ex-girlfriend, but hey that, is past behind. ... The work / image itself I love! ... And I am very happy to know that this fever for happy birthdays is still present and it is these last 2 works (the lucky mini-boys) that I envy the most. Keep it up CRACK!...




Thanks a lot :) You're right, I spend a lot of time looking for atmosphere and dialogue to tell a story or at least to show the connection between characters or their character! Take care of yourself too ^^


I also love her posture, and I think this girl is as sexy as she is scary😅 Glad you like it 😊


I love it