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Guys! Advice Needed!

I know, that it's super weird idea even for me, but what do you think about Kardashian's Pin-up? When I came to America, I was surprised, how popular are they! It's crazy! So, in search of likes and shares I came up with that maybe viral idea)))



Jin N Tonic

oooh - it's definitely a good idea as far as "trending" and getting likes on your work! BUT they almost might be too famous! if you make nude art of them it could go really really good, or they might try to sue you! you never know! it's always a possibility, but i say it's a great idea. your fans may not necessarily be kardashian fans, but the kardashians have their own massive fan base you'd be tapping into!


Thanks! It's a very good point.. but if they sue my, it will give me even more fame, Isn't it?)))


If they went with THIS ad copy, I might actually want to drink Pepsi. :-)