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Trying improve my YouTube skills, I did new video for Patreon page. Actually.. not new.. first video. I had no video for 3 years on my Patreon.. now I have!


About My Patreon Page!

My Patreon Page https://www.patreon.com/tarusov Instagram: http://instagram.com/askandy More on my site: Pin-Up, Illustration & Animation www.tarusov.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tarrusov



In Soviet Union video makes you.😁😁😁 Jk.


Cool video but... Bud Light isn't beer. Its more like monkey urine that was drank by a rat who then pissed in a can. :D


Yeah! I tried it for the first time and I totally agree! It's a shit!


Nice job. Very cute. 😊

Todd Whitesel

Most American beer is piss water. or it's just water with beer flavor added. Then again, I can't stand European beers either. About the only beer that I can deal with is asian brands like Tsing-Tao or Sapporo or Hite :/


I tried Sapporo! My favorite is Blue Moon with Cinnamon and Horchata.