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Well.. We finished part one of "Live in Dependence".

And I have weird feelings, I don't know , should I continue the second part (but I don't really want to work on it now), or start a new comic? I have some ideas

Also I would like to hear your "negative opinions" about the comic, I guess it came out a little empty ?)



How about you set the second part on hold and do some short stuff. Only for one or two sites or so ?


Since you asked for feedback, here goes: I liked the comic's art a lot, but I think the story came out a bit "empty" like you said. One thing I think you could do to make your comics better is ask someone to help you with the dialogue as far as English goes. We know you're not a native English speaker (I'm not one myself) and nobody expects you to write perfect English, but it would be nice to have someone review the text so there aren't so many mistakes :) Other than that, I think you should draw whatever makes you happy or you feel inspired to draw. Your art is amazing :)


You can always come back to it later c:


Делай то что тебе захочется, ты не должна рисовать рисовать то что тебе не нравится. По поводу того что получилось "немного пусто", я всегда считал что твои произведения имеют художественную ценность именно как рисунки, а не литературные произведения. Do what you want and it will be great! Just implement your ideas


The dialogue helps me to make SuddenlyTsumi on FA о: