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Hey everyone! Thanks to the pandemic, the film I'm in has had to keep pushing filming back multiple times but after a year of waiting we're finally gonna start filming next month!! Filming will take place on the weekends and include a full week of filming as well. Obviously this is gonna cut into the time I have available to work on commissions and my Patreon content. Since I'll have one less week I'm going to make next month's theme a three-parter instead of four as usual, and with that make August's theme Feraligatr's Thirst. It lets me finally draw that theme while also getting it out of the way on this shorter month so I can do your suggestions for future months.

The other thing I wanted to discuss is the pledge amounts of the tiers. When I started this Patreon I didn't want to price out anyone from accessing the content I'm making here and also offer essentially discounted commissions as they'd be getting them on a monthly basis. I'm incredibly grateful to everyone here, your support, your engagement, and your involvement in what I'm making! Unfortunately with rent, medical bills, groceries, and taxes, I'm only making even with my income, even with commissions. Patreon's fees also make $1 pledges almost nothing, I'm fortunate that I have many patrons on that tier but it's not supporting me as well as it could be. As for the higher tiers, they're a blast to do but compared to what I'd normally charge for commissions of comparable quality I'm giving a major discount, and with 8 drawings I need to make along with each weekly pic and commissions on top of that I often feel like I'm playing catch-up if I miss just one day of work.

With all that in mind I've considered raising the prices on each tier. I don't plan to implement this immediately, not even for August. This is something I want to discuss with all of you to find what would be appropriate prices. I understand completely if you'll have to drop your pledge after the amounts change, I appreciate any and all support you've given up to this point! I will be posting about this more in the future and again, this isn't happening immediately. This is still in the early phase of planning and I want to keep you all in the loop.

Again, I'm so grateful for the support and patronage you've all given me. It's been amazing getting to draw full-time and I'd like to keep doing so for as long as possible! If you have any suggestions or thoughts on all this feel free to leave a comment or you can message me here if you like.




I'm cool with you raising prices. $1 is a steal and I would easily go up to $5 at least. I hope your film goes well!


Hopefully it not too high lol. What's the film about?


I like to support a variety of creators, which is why I tend to pick options under $5 when possible. And while I appreciate your appreciation, you should never feel like you owe your audience cheap prices! You've got to make a living, even if it means you have fewer customers being charged higher prices. I think I would move to the $5 dollar tier for you if you made that the floor, just because I like your content so much, but as an alternative, perhaps you could split the difference? A two or three dollar tier would probably retain most of your $1 patrons, since it's barely an increase, but hopefully bring in two or three times as much revenue from that tier (I don't know how patreon calculates its cut so I don't know if that's true.) To give you some insight into the ideal price, perhaps you could run a poll? "What is the maximum amount you would be able or willing to pay for the lowest tier of my content." Given hard numbers, you should be able to graph a price curve and find the sweet spot to maximize how much you take home. Though that depends on how many patrons actually answer. 😅 Just throwing some ideas out there! You deserve to make money off of this.


I won't raise the prices drastically, just by a couple dollars for the bronze and silver tiers. The film is called Eldritch, USA. It's a horror comedy musical about a guy accidentally killing his brother and bringing him back from the dead


Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely run polls in the near future to gauge amounts, I'll keep the bronze tier under $5 for sure


I'd be perfectly fine with a price increase. You do a great job with this page, so it's definitely well-earned. Good luck with the filming!


I don't mind the raising of prices. You do awesome work for what it's worth.