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They say that, the right hug can really change your life.

I Guess they were on to something ;)

Thank you all for the support ^^

And now, ENJOY!!! ;)




This turned out incredible! It’s gotta be one of my all time favourite comics of yours!


You've really outdone yourself with this comic. your art-style keeps changing and evolving and it's simply amazing seeing the level of growth and the steady increase in quality.


Oopse, hit enter too soon. But this was fantastic. Makes me want to give Desmo a nice big squishy hug myself. Between the slime, the possession, weight gain and the teasing it looks like it would be a lot of fun to get...closer with him to be sure, heheh~


You sir. made me a very proud and happy furry artist today ^^. Thanks for the kind words.

David Wolf

Great progression!


So fucking hot

Little Fluff

That's it... you've officially done it... you've crossed the line and now I need to commission the shit out of you for a comic just as amazing as this one.