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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n63387d79k4ufx3hihoo3/ANIMAL-Full-Movie-Reaction.mp4?rlkey=lvihmbdeo6ciphqdmdwl7g9wa&dl=0



ANIMAL [Full Movie Reaction].mp4

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Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

finally the movie I was scared to watch alone. I was waiting Musa thanks. The music was so intense and the love between father and son especially the Son. Ranbir was amazing Anil Kapoor too, sorry Musa I want to steal your line what I'm watching, I never saw so many blood in one movie that is why I hate to watch horror movies. And when bobby enter I was too excited to heard his voice but he can't talk and he doesn't have much screen time 😢 I don't like the cheating think, if he know she is faking why would you sleep with her to get information I don't get that part.


Agree with you on the cheating part, made no sense, you don't have to be that intimate for someone to trust you. The music was amazing and the dialogue scenes for sure.