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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6zf4pehnq0yxe3pk1tyl1/Silenced-Full-Movie-Reaction.mp4?rlkey=jx1eq62ln4kcmeqp6znmc5kun&dl=0



Silenced [Full Movie Reaction].mp4

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Wacanggih Joy

I've watched this movie years ago. I'm not the type of person who curses and swears but man, while watching this movie I cursed and used a lot of swear words. Those crazy people made me sick.

Kelsey Daggs

god I was sobbing at the end and felt like I was gonna faint. This story had me so angry and sick. thanks for reacting Musa, I don't know who recommended this movie but I'm sorry you went through this xD

Michele Wang

I watched a Japanese movie called 誰も知らない (dare mo shiranai) which translates to Nobody Knows, but the choice of verb used for "knows" is very telling. 知らない and 分からない both means "I don't know," but 知らない comes with the implications of "I don't know and I don't care," so the translation "Nobody knows or cares" would've been more accurate. It's about child abandonment in Japan. It's a much more prominent issue than people like to talk about. Japan boasts a low homelessness rate, but that doesn't take abandoned children into account. You'll feel sick, but I feel like it's an important movie for people to watch if they're gonna take interest in Japanese culture. Better to know everything than to only romanticize the good, ya know what I mean?