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GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Kh0AzXYzqyyaBFTno5eEMuK7uEb9OXG/view?usp=sharing

DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31fswoj6gf6oqe5/BTOB%20-%20Missing%20You%20%5BTipsy%20Live%5D.mp4?dl=0





I love that video, they all get on so well and have a great energy as a group (and them vocals are just perfect!). I have sent you the link to the M/V a few weeks ago for that song, check it out! And yes you are correct the four of them sang it on Kingdom and all the other groups were so into it, it was lovely to see the respect they are receiving. If you want to check some of their album, I woud recommend Brother act, it has a few songs on it, some more upbeat and some ballads. I think it showcase their style very well! I hope you will enjoy it 😊 Here is a link: https://youtu.be/ytqOipbYRXY


Because I trust you so much, Imma give this album a listen, I hope you are well and waiting for you requests this month :D


I am very glad to hear it! Thank you very much. I hope you will like it! I have just sent you my requests....allow me to apologise in advance.🙇🏻‍♀️😅